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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Brandon's Story, A Mother's Voice Interested in a free, award-winning video that powerfully conveys the benefits of early intervention for children and families? In addition to hearing Brandon's mother talks about the importance and impact of early intervention on her son's life and her family, you'll also hear from Brandon, a teenager who is a very talented musician. Website
Building Partnerships: Guide to Developing Relationships with Families Discover the role that positive goal-oriented relationships play in effective parent, family, and community engagement and school readiness. Find definitions, tools, and guides for reflective practice and supervision. Website
Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children with Disabilities A Training Curriculum on IDEA 2004's Part C. Website
Bullying in Preschool Being bullied means to be exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. It may also include an imbalance of power. And research indicates that a child with a disability is more likely to be physically or verbally bullied than his typically developing peers. This tip sheet includes signs of bullying behavior and strategies for extinguishing bullying. Tipsheet
Calendar Time for Young Children - Good Intentions Gone Awry This article from NAEYC provides “evidence-based practices are likely to be more effective than calendar activities in presenting time concepts to young children.” Document
California Preschool Instructional Network The California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) was initiated during the 2003-04 school year by the California Department of Education (CDE). The CPIN is organized utilizing the 11 regions designated by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA). There is a Regional Lead, a Special Education Lead, and an English Learner Lead stationed in each of the eleven regions throughout the state of California. To find out about the Regional Leads in your area visit the Find the Regional Leads in Your Area page. Topics include early language and literacy, mathematics, Preschool Learning Foundations, the Desired Results System, school readiness and transition to kindergarten, children with disabilities, and English Language Learners. CPIN provides, facilitates and/or coordinates professional development opportunities for early childhood/school readiness staffs. CPIN supports existing regional communication and collaboration among various early childhood/school readiness providers. CPIN provides and gathers input regarding California Department of Education initiatives. The CPIN is one of many efforts that is focused on the goal of helping all young children in California develop into eager, healthy, and prepared learners who can flourish and succeed in elementary school and beyond. Website
CARA'S Kit: Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities This kit contains information on how to make adaptations for individuals or groups of children who are experiencing challenged during everyday routines and activities. Website
Carruurta iyo walwalkooda (Anxiety in Children) Walwal iyo walwal waa shucuur caam ah oo qof walba dareemo waqti ama waqti kale. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay sahmineysaa waxyaabaha kiciya welwelka, goorta laga walaacsan yahay iyo goorta caawimaad la raadsado. Tipsheet
Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children with Special Needs: Transitions) Jadwalka joogtada ah iyo filashooyinka cad waxay taageeraan guusha dhammaan carruurta iyo gaar ahaan carruurta leh barashada gaarka ah iyo baahiyaha bulshada. Kala-guurka la qorsheeyey oo qaabaysan ayaa noqon kara qayb waxtar u leh hawl maalmeedka guuleysta kaasoo siiya aasaas joogto ah dhammaan barashada kale ee dhici doonta maalinta oo dhan. Tipsheet
CDA Policy on Inclusion Spearheading the commitment to align early educator preparation with the U.S. federal policy on inclusion. Document