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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Top Autism Organizations and Web Resources From Reading Rockets:Browse this list of organizations and web resources focused on advocacy, information, and support for families and educators of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We’ve also identified helpful federal agencies and ASD projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.  Website
Tracking Services for Infants, Toddlers and their Families To help you in your advocacy for infants and toddlers, this chart summarizes the primary federal programs currently focused on very young children and the roles of federal, state and local governments in those programs. Document
Tribal Best Practices - Family Engagement Toolkit The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) has developed a toolkit to promote family engagement. Document
U.S. Department of Education Early Learning Initiative Find the latest information about the U.S. Department of Educations's work in supporting our nation's youngest learners. The web page is designed to include information about key programs, funding opportunities, resources and publications, technical assistance, and interagency work; early learning in the Administration's proposal for reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA); and investments in early learning across Departments. The page includes presentation materials, a webinar, blog posts, and public comments from our Listening and Learning about Early Learning tour. Website
Understanding and Celebrating Children with Down Syndrome “What inspires me the most about children with Down syndrome is how incredibly strong and determined they are,” said Rebecca Olson, APRN-CNP, APNG, Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s Minnesota.” For more information, check out this Children’s Minnesota blog.   Website
Understanding and Eliminating Expulsion in Early Childhood Programs Research tells us that high-quality, supportive early childhood programs have a positive effect on the lives of infants, young children, and families. Early childhood programs help support young children’s readiness for school and lifelong success. Here is a PDF from National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. Document
Understanding Picky Eaters: Setting the Stage for Healthy Eating Habits Listen as our guest, Kate Abernathy, Registered and Licensed Dietitian and Chief Executive Officer of Providers Choice, joins us for a conversation about “picky eaters.”  Young children begin their lifelong relationship with food in early childhood.  How can we set the stage for an enjoyment of all types foods, and a willingness to try new foods?  Kate shares some tips.    Podcast
Understanding Special Needs Rates of the Child Care Assistance Program The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Special Needs Rate is available for children with special needs in Minnesota who receive CCAP and meet designated criteria. This tip sheet provides a description of the Child Care Assistance Program's Special Needs Rate and the process to request. Tipsheet
Untangling the Evidence on Preschool Effectiveness: Insights for Policymakers This report from Beth Meloy and Linda Darling-Hammond "adds to the growing consensus that the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that high-quality preschool leaves children better prepared for school, especially in terms of their academic skill development." Document
Using Children's Literature to Learn about Disabilities Joan Blaska's book "Using Children's Literature to Learn about Disablities and Illness," 2nd edition is an invaluable resource for parents and educators. A must read for individuals wanting to help children learn about disabilites and illnesses through young children's literature. Website