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The Difference between Typical Anxiety and an Anxiety Problem All children feel anxious from time to time. Children with learning and attention issues are more likely to struggle with anxiety. How can you tell whether a child’s anxiety is typical and appropriate or something to be worried about? Document
The Family Child Care Setting--Meeting Varying Needs Guest Vicki Thrasher Cronin joins us again to discuss how to meet the needs of unique learners as well as those children with differing physical needs in the family child care setting. Family child care supports varied needs in that it already provides multi-age learning experiences. How do those connect to planning for care of a child with special needs? Podcast
The Family Child Care Setting--Setting Up the Environment for Success Guest Vicki Thrasher Cronin gives strategies to provide a family child care environment to care for and educate children with special needs. She shares the essentials of creating an accepting and inclusive environment that supports children of all abilities. Podcast
The Fundamentals of Consultation [Muhiimadda ay Leedahay Tala Qaadashada] Muxuuyahay tababarka ama latalinta xagga Inclusion’ka ama kamidnoqoshada ay caruurtu carruurta kale lamid noqonayso iyo sida ay faa’iido ugu tahay caruurta xanaanada ubadka yaryar lagu hayyo jooga oo baaahida gaarka ah leh?  Podcast’kaan waa podacast ama maqaalka uguhoreeya maqaalada xirrirka ah oo laxirrira arinta tababarka ama latalinta xagga caruurta sida ay kuwa kale oga mid noqon lahaayeen. Podcast
The Genius of Play Play is more than just fun and games—it helps children build a range of developmental skills that will serve them throughout their lives.  Website
The Hiring Chain "By hiring someone with Down Syndrome, you start a virtuous chain. The more that people with Down Syndrome are seen at work, the more they'll be recognized as valuable employees, and the more they'll be hired. Do your part, start the #HiringChain."  Enjoy this video featuring Sting! Website
The Playground Where Babies Learn to Talk A campaign to encourage brain development is using parks to deliver its message to children and their caregivers. Website
The Role Of The Environment On Preschool Development Learn how to curate a learning space that encourages the growth and development of preschoolers in this online self-study. Examine the foundational principles outlined in the STORY approach to creating a space that meets the needs of the child and the adults who share the space:• Safety and Security• The Environment as “The Third Teacher”• Outdoor Environments• Resources for Learning• You, as an IndividualKnowledge and Competency Framework Area - II.A: Creating Positive Learning Experiences (10 Hours) CDA Content Area - Content Area II: Steps to advance children’s physical and intellectual development (10 Hours)Level 1 - ExploresNew Navigation Tools:This self-study does not have audio available at this time.For optimal performance, please access this course from a computer or tablet.Click on the black box with 2 white arrows to view the self-study in Full-Screen Mode.Click on the black box with white eyeglasses to view the self-study in Accessibility Mode.For ten clock hours on your Learning Record, please register and pay online at Develop. Then, complete a 500 word reflection paper and submit this document with your reflectionPlease note: You have access to this document as view only. To enable editing, download the document. Click "file" then "download as" in the upper left-hand corner of this screen. This will give you the option to open the document as a Word doc on your own computer. Then, you can complete the information and email it to: *Disregard any directions regarding a final quiz. The only learning assessment needed is the reflection paper. Course
The UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities The University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities engages in innovative disability related research, training and technical assistance to bring about societal change and improvement in relation to people with disabilities. Website
The Whole Child: Healthy, Safe, Supported, Engaged & Challenged The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model is the next evolution of the traditional coordinated school health approach. Developed by ASCD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and launched in spring 2014, the model aims to better align the policies, processes, and practices of education, public health, and school health, and in doing so, improve learning and health. Website