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4 Sensory Snow Activities to Try It's important to opportunities for young children to discover the environment around them and getting outside is important for everyone’s health. One of the best ways to do this is through sensory activities that combine playful fun and constructive learning.  Website
50 Mums - 50 Kids - 1 Extra Chromosome Wouldn’t Change A Thing is an organization that focuses on “Creating a world where negative perceptions of down syndrome are a thing of the past. The mums in this video and the dad who created it met online and got together to show the world just how ordinary and fun life with the condition is and how they 'Wouldn't Change a Thing'. It features a carpool karaoke lip sync in support of World Down Syndrome Day 2018 and features 50 mums and their children singing along to Christina Perri's multi-platinum selling track, 'A Thousand Years'. This video inspired the start of Charity 'Wouldn't Change A Thing' which was set up in June 2018." Website
50 Ways Forest and Outdoor Learning Experiences Benefit Child Development "Everyone loves the great outdoors. Children love playing in nature’s playground. They love gloriously muddy outdoor adventures. They love to explore further than the eye can see. They love to discover wildlife as they go. Connecting with nature is key to creativity and curiosity. Key findings agree." Check out this amazing resource created by Forest Holidays UK. Website
6 Reasons to Sing & Sign with Young Children From Brookes Publishing Blog: "Studies have shown that teaching sign language to all young children has a wide range of social and early academic benefits. In her book Sing & Sign for Young Children, music therapist and early childhood specialist Dr. Anne Meeker Watson introduces a highly effective way to teach and practice ASL sign vocabulary—by pairing it with music and play during everyday classroom routines. Excerpted and adapted from Dr. Meeker Watson’s warm and lively book, today’s post outlines 6 important things that singing and signing with young children can do."   Website
8 Multicultural Children's Books Featuring Blind Children Inspired by the UK initiative called Make a Noise in Libraries, which aims to make libraries more accessible and inclusive for visually impaired readers, this blog's author began putting together this list of multicultural children's books featuring blind children. Website
8 Things Caregivers Can Do to Ease Young Children’s Anxiety "Young children who frequently experience anxious feelings need patient, caring, and knowledgeable adults to provide them with effective support. Adapted from the home visiting guidebook Tackling the Tough Stuff by Angela Tomlin and Stephan A. Viehweg, the tips in [this blog post from Brooke's Publishing] can help. Share these ideas with the parents of young children—and adapt them for any setting to help kids work through their fears and worries." Website
8 Tips for Helping Kids with Social Skills Issues Cope with the Holiday Season For kids with social skills issues, holiday events can pose challenges and create stress. Use these eight simple tips to help your child successfully navigate this very social season. Document
8 Ways you can Dress your Child for Sensory Friendly Success Whether your school has a dress code or you get to select your own clothes, dressing in a sensory smart way can be the difference between comfort and misery or attention and distraction. Let's see how your kids can dress for school success! Document
A Better Start: Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education The results of this study show racial/ethnic and economic disparities in preschool enrollment and in the quality of preschool that children experience. Among families who do enroll in preschool, the study finds that most children attend classrooms that are homogenous in family income, and often in race/ethnicity as well. The result is a segregated system in which low-income and minority children often attend low-quality and non-diverse early-childhood programs. The authors discuss researching findings on why the socioeconomic and racial/ethnic composition of early childhood classrooms is important and provide a number of suggestions for steps that can be taken to increase diversity. Document
A Guide to Executive Function Executive function and self-regulation skills are like an air traffic control system in the brain—they help us manage information, make decisions, and plan ahead. We need these skills at every stage of life, and while no one is born with them, we are all born with the potential to develop them. But, how do we do that? The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University created this Guide to Executive Function to walk you through everything you need to know about these skills and how to develop and practice them throughout life. Document