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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Trauma: Cómo responden los niños (Trauma: How Children Respond) Definición de trauma y respuestas de desarrollo de niños pequeños a experiencias traumáticas. Definition of trauma and developmental responses of young children to traumatic experiences. Tipsheet
Two-Year-Old Vocabulary Predicts Kindergarten Success A recent study linking early vocabulary skills to kindergarten success highlights the importance of early intervention. Analysis of data from a longitudinal sample revealed that 24-month-old children with larger oral vocabularies displayed greater reading and mathematics achievement, increased behavioral self-regulation, and fewer externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors at kindergarten entry. Document
Understanding and Adapting to Individual Temperaments From thethe Office of Child Care Administration for Children and Families, temperament is a person’s basic nature or natural way of being. Learning about temperament can help you understand and explain a child’s behavior, which in turn can lead to more responsive, individualized care for infants and toddlers. It takes time to learn about an individual’s temperament. Observing during daily care routines and play, and communicating with families, can help teachers learn about each child’s unique temperament and find ways to support the child. Document
Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite Biting is a typical behavior often seen in infants, toddlers, and 2-year olds. This article will help you to understand the reasons young children bite and give you some ideas and strategies for responding appropriately. Document
Understanding Compassion Fatigue A helpful handout developed by Rebecca Bundy, M.A., NCC, LPCC.  This handout defines Compassion Fatigue, discusses the signs and symptoms, and provides strategies for developing Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Document
Understanding STEAM and how children use it This document from the National Center on Early Childhood, Learning and Teaching provides an interactive learning experience and is intended as a professional development resource to help supervisors, coordinators, managers, and education staff* understand how young children engage with STEAM concepts and ideas. This document will also help adults identify strategies for exploring and developing STEAM in early learning settings. Document
USDA - My Plate Nutrition Information for Infants Check out this resource from the United States Department of Agriculture:"Start your infant off on the path of lifelong healthy nutrition. The first year of a child's life is very important time for proper growth and development. Since infants eat and drink such small amounts at this stage, it’s important to make every bite count!" Website
USDA - My Plate Nutrition Information for Toddlers Check out this resource from the United States Department of Agriculture:"Give your toddler healthy choices as they explore new foods and flavors. Toddlers are learning to feed themselves and to eat new foods during this important time of growth and development. Young children have small stomachs and are learning what foods they like and dislike. So, make every bite count!" Website
Vaccine Information Statements Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) are information sheets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Website
Videos on Early Childhood Development - Pathways Free videos! These are from the Pathways Foundation website, which "Provide free tools to maximize all children's motor, sensory, and communication development." Their videos are in English and in Spanish- short videos of typical and atypical motor development that can help parents and teachers be alert to motor issues, as well as videos about strategies to support infant motor development.  Website