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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Scripted Story: When Our Teacher is Away, We Can Still Learn and Play This Social Story from The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations, "will help teachers and program staff prepare children for when their teacher is away. Teachers are encouraged to read a scripted story, like the sample version, to children before a planned absence to reassure children and help them understand what will happen in the classroom when the teacher is away. Place the scripted story in an easy-to-find place should a substitute need to use the story. Then, substitute teachers can use the story to help children understand their role within the classroom and reassure children that their teacher will be back soon." Document
Self-Regulation Snap Shot #1: A Focus on Infants and Toddlers Adult caregivers such as parents, teachers, coaches, and other mentors play a critical role in shaping and supporting self-regulation development from birth through young adulthood through an interactive process called “co-regulation.” This tip sheet was based on a series of reports prepared for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). Tipsheet
Sensory Intervention Strategies and Environmental Adaptations Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) can be over-sensitive or under responsive (or a combination of both) to stimuli. Learn how to create a predictable and structured environment in your child care setting, which can enhance the performance for a child who has SPD.  Tipsheet
Separation Anxiety in Infants and Toddlers Tips for educators to help young children who may experience separation anxiety during the daily transition from home to child care. Tipsheet
Separation Anxiety in Infants and Toddlers This info module explores separation anxiety which is described as anxiety that is provoked in a young child by separation from or the threat of separation from a caregiver. Info Module
Sesame Street in Communities This website provides activities, tips, professional development opportunities and many other resources from Sesame Street. The information gathered can be customized for parents, providers and for specific ages, type of activities and length of time of the activity.  Website
Setting Up Activity Areas Setting up activity areas is the second step in setting up the environment for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Sida ay Ciyaartu Uhormariso Dhismaha Maskaxda (How Play Promotes Cognitive Development) Cayaartu waxay kor u qaadaa horumarinta xirfadaha fahanka badan. Markay carruurtu ka qaybgalaan ciyaarta oo ay helaan fursado ay si buuxda ugu lug yeeshaan waxa ay sameynayaan, oo ay horumariyaan habab aad u xeel dheer oo feker ah. Play promotes the development of a multitude of cognitive skills. When children participate in play and have opportunities to become fully involved in what they are doing, and they develop more sophisticated and complex ways of thinking. Tipsheet
Siete Estrategias para Edificar y Aceptar un Ambiente Igualitario (Seven Inclusion Strategies for Building an Accepting and Inclusive Environment) Destaca cómo los profesionales de la educación y el cuidado infantil pueden crear un entorno en el que todos los niños tengan un sentido de pertenencia. Highlights how early care and education professional can create an environment in which all children have a sense of belonging. Tipsheet
Sign with Me The Sign with Me website includes research on Infant Signing, an online store of sign languages products, discussion board as well as a sign language dictionary with many signs you can view. Website