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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States. Click the link below to learn more from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. Website
Responsive Interactions This Head Start webisode explores the power of responsive, back and forth interactions with infants and toddlers
Responsiveness to Individual and Group Needs Stresses the importance of getting to know the unique and individual needs of each infant and toddler. Tipsheet
RSV: When It's More Than Just a Cold Almost all children get RSV at least once before they are 2 years old. For most healthy children, RSV is like a cold. But, some children get very sick with RSV.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has created this great resource page which includes a short video.   Website
Safe and Healthy Naptime Routines Our guest, Public Health Nurse Sarah Hawley from Minnesota Child Care Health Consultants, joins Inclusion Matters for another episode, this time focusing on safe and healthy naptime routines, policies, and practices.  Sleep is essential for overall good health of the child and the whole family.  Listen and gain resources and tools to support quality sleep for young children while in child care. Podcast
Safe Sleep - Patient Resources The UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health created FREE patient materials designed to help promote safe sleep practices and to help those who work with parents and caregivers of infants to more effectively discuss safe infant sleep. There are Spanish resources available as well. Website
Safe Sleep for Babies Check out this 1-minute video developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on safe sleep practices for infants. A great resource to share with parents of infants in your program! Website
Satisfacer las Necesidades de Varias Edades en el Cuidado Infantil Familiar (Meeting the Needs of Multiple Ages in Family Child Care) En un entorno de edades mixtas, los niños pueden formar relaciones significativas que construyan un sentido de comunidad entre los niños, los cuidadores y los padres. Esta hoja de consejos ayudará a los proveedores a reconocer y cuidar a cada niño como un individuo con capacidades únicas, al tiempo que unifica los indicadores a través de las edades de los niños bajo su cuidado. In a mixed-age setting, children can form meaningful relationships that build a sense of community among children, caregivers, and parents. This tip sheet will help providers recognize and care for each child as an individual with unique capabilities while unifying indicators across ages of the children in their care. Tipsheet
Screen Sense What the Research Says About the Impact of Media on Children Under 3 Years Old From Zero to Three, "Babies today are born into a world full of rich human interaction and engaging screen media experiences. This leaves parents with a lot of questions! Are you curious about the role that screen media should play in your child’s life? Wondering if screen time is damaging, or if it is just another form of media (like books) that can be used to help children learn?" Website
Scripted Story: Some Days are Different This Social Story from The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations "acknowledges that children might spend time in a different classroom and temporarily have different teachers and peers. The language in the story explains that the adults in the classroom are there to help them throughout the day and acknowledges that children might feel sad or worried when they are in a different classroom. Having copies in each classroom allows for consistency across the program in how the changes are explained to children and how the adults at school can support young children during the times of uncertainty." Document