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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Positive Guidance: Infants and Toddlers Positive guidance impacts the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers. In this course from the Virtual Lab School, you will learn how to use positive guidance techniques, as well as how temperament can impact behavior. You will also learn strategies for addressing challenging behaviors and how the environment can influence positive guidance. Creating interesting experiences and activities, as well as using relationship-based guidance approaches will also be addressed. Website
Potty Training: Learning to the Use the Toilet "There is not one right way or one right age to learn how to use the toilet. Here are some questions and thoughts from Zero to Three to keep in mind as you help your child learn to use the toilet." Document
Potty Training: Learning to Use the Toilet Tips, skills, and strategies for successful toilet training.  Tipsheet
Power of Play Beyond the fun and games, play is essential to your child’s health and development. Play helps build important social-emotional, cognitive, language and self-regulation skills. When you play with your child, you also help create the safe, stable and nurturing relationships they need to thrive. Find information [from the American Academy of Pediatrics] to help make play a central, skill-building part of your child’s life." Website
Preemie Milestones "Having a baby—whether it’s your first child or your fourth—is so exciting! But it is not always easy. If your baby was born more than three weeks early, you may have more questions about your baby—and how he or she will grow—than a parent whose baby was born on time."  This resource is from healthychildren.org and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Website
Preguntas para hacer cuando busque cuidado infantil (Questions to Ask When Seeking Child Care) Cuando busque cuidado infantil, ¿cómo puede encontrar la información que necesita para preparar a su hijo para el éxito y evitar la expulsión? Cuando entreviste a los posibles cuidadores, es útil ser proactivo. Inicie la conversación con las preguntas de esta hoja de consejos. When seeking child care, how do you find the information you need to set your child up for success and avoid expulsion As you interview potential caregivers, it helps to be proactive. Start the conversation with the questions on this tip sheet. Tipsheet
Premature baby? Understand your preemie's special needs "If your baby is born too early, the miracle of birth might be overshadowed by health concerns and the possible long-term effects of prematurity. However, there's much you can do to take care of your premature baby — and yourself — as you look toward the future." Learn more in this article from the Mayo Clinic Staff. Website
Preparing Children for a New Sibling How to help kids feel positive about the new baby and avoid problem behaviors. Document
Preparing for and Responding to Measles in Your Child Care Measles can spread quickly in a child care setting and can cause serious illness. Infants who are too young to be vaccinated and children with other health conditions are at high risk for severe disease. The most important step you can take is to ensure children and staff are vaccinated with the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine. The MMR vaccine is safe and effective at preventing measles disease. Learn more from this resource from the Minnesota Department of Health Document
Preparing Infants & Toddlers for New Child Care Settings "Advances in brain research show that children are born learning and that their first three years of life in particular are important indicators for the success they can have later in school and in life. Early experiences that are language-rich and nurturing promote healthy brain development. So finding a quality early learning setting is essential for parents who work and seek child care." Learn more from Start Early. Website