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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and the Center of Excellence This video defines I/ECMHC and outlines its history, importance, and impact. It also describes the key messages and highlights the work of the Center of Excellence. Website
Infant and Toddler Communication Skills: Building Relationships The importance of relationships in supporting infant and toddler development of communication skills. Tipsheet
Infant and Toddler Messaging Guide ZERO TO THREE and Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS) have developed the Infant and Toddler Messaging Guide, which shares the results of a national scan of message trends in infant and toddler advocacy. It provides examples of messages used across the country to describe a wide range of infant and toddler issues and makes suggestions for improvement. The paper offers guidance on how to develop effective messages that make a strong case for investment in infants and toddlers. Document
Infant and Toddler Play Guide Toy and play recommendations for infants and toddlers. Document
Infant Feeding The first study of a nationally representative group of US infants reports that more than half of babies are currently introduced to complementary foods, that is, foods or drinks other than breast milk or formula, sooner than they should be. Babies who were never breastfed or breastfed for less than four months were most likely to be introduced to foods too early. These findings emphasize the need to introduce foods at the proper time to get the most benefit from breast milk or formula. Document
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part One [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 1] Qeybta Koowaad Waxay kala dhigdhigaysaa arimo muhiim ku ah sida ay ubadka dhashay iyo kuwa socod baradka ah ay wax u bartaan. Podcast
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Three [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 3] Qeybta sadaxaad waxay kahadlaysaa sida ay muhiim utahay sida qofka caruurta wax baraya looga rabo in uu uqasdo waxabarashada uguna fiirsado habladhaqanka ubadka yar yar iyo kuwa socodka baradka sii uu ugu saleeyo waxbarashada korinimadooda. Podcast
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Two [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 2] Qeybta labaad waxay sharaxaysaa sida saddax arimood oo laxiriira korinnimada sida ay saameeyn ugu leeyihiin qorshaynta manhajka. Podcast
Infant Toddler Language Development: Part Four [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 4] Qaybta afaraad waxay inoo sharaxaysaa arimo laxiriira waalidka iyo saamayta ay kuleedahay korinnimada ubadka yar yar iyo waxbarashadooda. Podcast
Infant Toddler Language Development: Part One [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 1] Qeybtaan koowaad waxay ka hadlaysaa sida ay faaiido ugu tahay in ubadka dhashay iyo kuwa socodbaradka ah lagadhiso luuqadaha. Podcast