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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Creating Positive Experiences for Your Infant By:Robert Sege, MD, PhD, FAAPThe first year of life is filled with major growth and development. It is easy to see how the baby in your arms becomes the babbling baby pulling up, giggling, laughing and trying to walk and talk! Infants also develop emotionally as they begin to learn about the world of people. Tipsheet
Culturally Sensitive Care: Six Essential Program Practices High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting these goals is the use of culturally sensitive care (PITC, n.d.). Document
Curriculum from the Perspective of Infants and Toddlers: Part One In Part 1 of this three part series of podcasts on infant and toddler curriculum, Cindy Croft, Priscilla Weigel and Beth Menninga discuss unique aspects of infant and toddler learning. Podcast
DADS MATTER: THE ROLE OF THE FATHER IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND WHAT MOMS CAN DO TO HELP DADS SUCCEED "In the early months of a child’s life many dads struggle to find their role in caring for the baby and supporting mom through those exhausting days and nights. And sometimes we moms send messages, subtle and not-so-subtle, that dad just can’t measure up to our standards of care. But, in the long run, everyone will win (mom, dad, child) if dad is fully engaged as a caregiver. Andre Dukes, Vice President of Family and Community Impact Programs at Northside Achievement Zone in Minneapolis, joins Marti & Erin [in this Mom Enough podcast episode] to discuss the role of the father in child development, the benefits of father involvement throughout a child’s life and what we all can do to help men be the dads their children need. Website
Dajinta Qorshaha Tageerada Habdhaqanka Wanaagsan (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Qorshaha habdhaqanka wanaagsan waa qorshe hawleed qeexaya talaabooyin gaar ah oo loo adeegsan karo in lagu dhiirrigeliyo guusha ilmaha iyo ka-qaybgalka waxqabadyada iyo casharrada maalinlaha ah. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay daboolaysaa qaab shaqsiyeed oo ku wajahan geedi socodka qorshaynta. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet
DEC Position Statement on Low Birth Weight, Prematurity & Early Intervention The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) endorses the development of national guidelines for the identification and eligibility for Part C Early Intervention (EI) services of children born low birth weight (LBW) and preterm in the United States. When you visit this site, you can download the Full Position Statement and/or the Executive Summary. Website
DEC: The Division for Early Childhood The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) is one of seventeen divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) - the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. DEC is especially for individuals who work with or on behalf of children with special needs, birth through age eight, and their families. Founded in 1973, the Division is dedicated to promoting policies and practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of children. Children with special needs include those who have disabilities, developmental delays, are gifted/talented, or are at risk of future developmental problems. Website
Defining Activity Areas Defining activity areas is the first step in planning the environment for infants and toddlers, and involves planning the layout of the indoor and outdoor environment.  Tipsheet
Demonstration of Pyramid Model Practices Two amazing new training videos have been created to highlight pyramid model practices in action in high fidelity toddler and preschool classrooms. These videos were collaboratively produced by the Montana Head Start Collaborative Office, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Early Childhood Services Bureau, the Pyramid Model Consortium, and the Bal Swan Children's Center. Titles and labels have been added throughout to call attention to the environment, specific routines of the day, and discrete teaching practices that support young children's social emotional development. Website
Desarrollo infantil: Qué esperar y cuándo preocuparse (Child Development: What to Expect and When to Worry) Si observa y registra el desarrollo de todos los niños en su programa rutinariamente, a veces puede encontrar que un niño tiene señales de alerta en su progreso de desarrollo y es hora de hablar con sus padres sobre sus preocupaciones.  If you routinely observe and record the development of all children in your program, you may sometimes find that a child has red flags in their developmental progress and it is time to talk to their parents about your concerns. Tipsheet