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Results: Page 47 of 53
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Sign with Me The Sign with Me website includes research on Infant Signing, an online store of sign languages products, discussion board as well as a sign language dictionary with many signs you can view. Website
Sign With Your Baby The Sign With Your Baby website includes an overview of the benefits of sign language with all babies. The products being sold are based on the research by Joseph Garcia. The website also includes information on classes for parents as well as early childhood teachers. Website
Signing Savvy The Signing Savvy web site, launched in January 2009, has grown to become the most comprehensive online sign language resource for educators, students, or anyone interested in American Sign Language. The goal of the site is to provide you with the tools you need to enhance your sign language education and assist you in your day-to-day sign language communication needs. Website
Small Bites Newsletter - Picky Eating Behaviors The Small Bites newsletter is produced quarterly by the National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety. Submit questions or suggestions for future newsletter topics to health@ecetta.info  This issue discussed strategies for picky eating behaviors. Document
Social Determinants of Grief: the Impact of Black Infant Loss "This webinar, hosted by NICHQ on behalf of Baby 1st Network, will offer insight on how some women of color deal with compounded loss and trauma. Participants will walk away with an opportunity to gain additional knowledge on how to best serve communities of color affected by infant loss." Website
Special needs: Build a Playground Toolkit From KaBoom! "Who are the people in your neighborhood? Over one in ten children, and even more adults, live with a disability. Is your playspace a place that welcomes people with special needs? Your current playspace might never be used by children and adults with disabilities, but perhaps it's because they can't access the playspace and/or structures. Your new or renovated playspace can make everyone feel welcome with some simple considerations." Website
Steps to Stay Healthy "These posters [from the Office of Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center] feature strategies to stay healthy. Display them to remind staff and families of the steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses." They are available in many languages. Document
Strengthening Partnerships to Support Babies with Special Needs This video provides an overview of what families may experience when they learn their child has special needs. Website
Stress Detectives and Safe Harbors: Helping Children Feel Secure This resource, a narrated webinar with Power Point slides from The University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development (CEED),"introduces us to four concepts we can apply to both prevent and manage challenging behaviors in children. It offers an evidence-based approach we can use with all children. Whether working with children that are developing typically, or those that have been identified with developmental delays or disabilities, the information in this resource will equip you with invaluable knowledge and practices." Document
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than 1 year old in which the cause was not obvious before investigation. These deaths often happen during sleep or in the baby’s sleep area. Learn more about the problem and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) activities. Website