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Partnering with Parents--Cultivating A Relationship Michelle Fallon, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, joins Priscilla Weigel to discuss the ways in which child care providers can promote healthy parent/child and family relationships and how the quality of the relationship between parents and providers can impact the child. 
Partnering with Parents--Healthy and Supportive Boundaries Michele Fallon, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, joins Priscilla Weigel to continue their discussion about partnering with families.  The focus of this podcast communicates the way healthy boundaries relate to the significant partnership with a parent.  Tips are shared for ways to build connection. Podcast
PATHWAYS OF EXPOSURE TO POTENTIALLY HARMFUL CHEMICALS During the 2009 legislative session, the Toxic Free Kids Act was passed and signed into law by the governor. This legislation requires the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to create two lists of chemicals: one list called “Chemicals of High Concern” and one called “Priority Chemicals.”The Toxic Free Kids (TFK) program is housed in the Environmental Surveillance and Assessment Section within the Environmental Health Division and supports the MDH mission to protect, maintain, and improve the health of all Minnesotans.The Toxic Free Kids program has created a brief factsheet explaining toxic chemical exposures. It is available in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.
PKD Foundation The PKD Foundation site has research information, friends and groups chat forums and contacts, legislative action alerts, news, self-produced publications, conference information and very well categorized links related to Polycystic Kidney Disease and issues concerning it's treatment and diagnosis. Information in other languages is available, however it is not administered or monitored by PKD Foundation. Website
Planning for the Transition to Kindergarten: Why it Matters and how to Support Success The transition to kindergarten is a time that presents changing demands, expectations, and supports for children and their families. When children experience discontinuities between preschool and kindergarten, they may be at greater risk for academic failure and social adjustment problems. Thus, building and implementing a seamless kindergarten transition can make a significant difference for children's early education experience. Document
Planning for Winter Emergencies Programs in areas that experience extreme cold should have a plan for handling winter emergencies. Explore tips [from Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center - ECLKC] your program can use to prepare for emergencies such as frostbite, hypothermia, and loss of power. Website
Play and Creativity Using Music at Home Play, of any kind, is one of the most important parts of early childhood.This tip sheet covers the many ways parents can promote play and creativity through music at home. Tipsheet
Play safe! Be safe! Multi-media Kit Young children and people with developmental disabilities are among those at highest risk from fire. Young children have a great deal of experience with fire from family activities such as cooking and grilling, camping, and celebrations involving candles, yet can't really understand how dangerous fire can be. Website
Playground and Outdoor Play Safety How can I tell whether the play structures and playgrounds my child uses are safe? Use this checklist from the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to find out whether the playgrounds and play structures your child uses are up to par. Be sure to consider your neighborhood public playgrounds, your own play equipment or your neighbor's, and your preschool and school playgrounds. Document
Playing with Mud: Why It’s Worth the Mess "Mud is messy. It’s sloppy and squishy and dirty. But it’s also a great tool for discovery and growth through play. From supporting cognitive development to boosting creative thinking and self-confidence, it turns out that mud is filled with benefits most of us don’t realize."Check out these fun ideas from the Minnesota Children's Museum  Website