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Resource Name Description Resource Type
How the World Potty Trains In this article from CNN Health, "experts weigh in on how parents around the world potty train their little ones. From the age it starts to the methods used, potty training is different around the world." Document
How to Adapt Math Card Games to Children’s Skill Level Here is a great resource from the Erikson Institute. "Card games provide meaningful practice of the basic number combinations. Becoming automatic with basic number combinations is the key to computational fluency. These common math card games that children learn in school or at home can be revisited many, many times and can be adapted to children’s own math skills as they develop over time." Website
How to Protect Your Children During a Measles Outbreak The recent measles outbreaks have many parents concerned. Most of the people who have gotten sick were not vaccinated against measles. This is a stark reminder from healthychildren.org of the importance of making sure your children are fully vaccinated. Website
How to Protect Your Children During a Measles Outbreak - Spanish The recent measles outbreaks have many parents concerned. Most of the people who have gotten sick were not vaccinated against measles. This is a stark reminder from healthychildren.org of the importance of making sure your children are fully vaccinated.
How to Talk to Your Child About Their Positive COVID-19 Test Here are some tips from Amanda Suplee, PhD & Hailey Nelson, MD, FAAP and the American Academy of Pediatrics to help you talk about a positive COVID-19 test with your child and develop strategies to manage stress. Website
I is for Independent Play "Independent play offers big benefits to little ones. But how to do it? Here are some strategies from Rebecca Parlakian from Zero to Three to try." Website
Identifying Interest-Based Everyday Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers This Center on Everyday Language Learning Tool includes a set of exercises a parent or practitioner can use to hone their skills for recognizing and identifying children's interests and identifying the everyday activities that provide young children opportunities to participate in interest-based activities and learn communication and language skills. There are three exercises: one for an infant, one for a toddler, and one for a preschooler. Document
Immigration, Loss, & Trauma "Our country’s history is shaped by the immigrants’ stories. These stories can be difficult, inspiring, harrowing, exciting, or sometimes shameful. We carry with us our stories – and often our stories and their impact carry on into future generations." Here is an excellent article written by Lori A. Harris, LSW, MSW in partnership with Way to Grow and Mom Enough.
Immunization: Protection for All Fact and common questions regarding the safety of immunizations. Tipsheet
Implementing Policies to Reduce the Likelihood of Preschool Expulsion This policy brief examines factors associated with expulsion from Prekindergarten (PK). Recent research has explored issues regarding the rate at which preschoolers (children ages three to four) are expelled from PK programs, as well as some of the factors associated with expulsion and the effectiveness of mental health consultation to reduce the classroom behavior problems that may lead to expulsion. Although several factors that predict an increased likelihood of expulsion have been described, this brief addresses those factors that may inform changes in policy that can be both implemented and regulated. Website