Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
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Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Developmental Milestones | Use these milestones checklists to help family and staff as they track the developmental progress of children ages three months to five years. | Website |
Dhisidda Maskaxdu Waxay Bilaabataa Dhalashada | Marka ilmuhu dhasho, maskaxda ilmuhu waxay qiyaastii saddex meelood meel le'eg tahay maskaxda qofka weyn. 90 maalmood gudahood, waxay ka badan tahay labanlaab mugga, ilaa 55 boqolkiiba cabbirkeeda kama dambaysta ah. Wax badan ka baro xaqiiqooyin soo jiidasho leh iyo saynis ku saabsan inta yar ee daqiiqadaha maalinlaha ah lagu tiriyo si ay u caawiyaan dhismaha maskaxda ilmaha. Little Moments Count waa dhaqdhaqaaq gobolka oo dhan ah si loogu caawiyo waalidiinta iyo bulshada inay fahmaan muhiimada hadalka, ciyaarta, akhrinta iyo heesaha goor hore iyo inta badan carruurta. Waxaan nahay iskaashi ururo ka shaqeeya si ay u caawiyaan kordhinta isdhexgalka waalidka iyo bulshada ee dhallaanka iyo carruurta. | Website |
Disaster Supplies List for Families | What to have prepared before an emergency/disaster kit. | Document |
Disciplining Your Toddler | Are there any parents who haven't felt complete and utter love for their toddler and, at the same time, frustration and anger? Our beloved little ones test our nerves because they're testing boundaries all around them. Every day, little by little, they're mastering new abilities and accomplishing new feats, and are anxious and excited to use these skills. Sometimes it's tough to reel in a toddler, but it can be done. And setting rules and limits now--when your child is learning what behaviors are acceptable--will help prevent bigger problems down the road. Here are some ways to help you keep your youngster on the right track. | Website |
Discover MyPlate: Emergent Reader Mini Books | Discover MyPlate, from the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA), includes six emergent readers featuring kindergarten-level sight words that help children build literacy skills while learning about the five food groups and MyPlate. | Website |
Dismaha iyo Baraaraha Nolosha Ilmaha iyo Qoyska (Protective Factors) | Podcastigani wuxuu ka hadlayaa “Protective Factors” oo ah qaab faa’iido wayn u leh dhismaha iyo baraaraha nolosha ilmaha iyo qoyska. This podcast talks about "Protective Factors" which are a very useful way to build and nurture the life of the child and the family. | Podcast |
Diversity Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children, and Families - Spanish Version | "The Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children, and Families are a set of guiding principles that raise awareness about inequities and injustices embedded in our society. The Tenets empower individual practitioners, agencies and systems of care to identify and address the social justice issues intricately intertwined with all infant mental health work. The Tenets are rooted in belief that self-awareness and intentional action are the cornerstones of principles of equity and inclusion. The Tenets are a product of the Irving Harris Foundation Professional Development Network. " | Website |
DIVERSITY-INFORMED TENETS FOR WORK WITH INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND FAMILIES | "The Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children, and Families are a set of guiding principles that raise awareness about inequities and injustices embedded in our society. The Tenets empower individual practitioners, agencies and systems of care to identify and address the social justice issues intricately intertwined with all infant mental health work. The Tenets are rooted in belief that self-awareness and intentional action are the cornerstones of principles of equity and inclusion. The Tenets are a product of the Irving Harris Foundation Professional Development Network. " | Website |
Divorce and its Impact on Infants and Toddlers | Divorce means changes for the whole family that are very disruptive to a young child’s sense of well-being. Early childhood educators can help an infant or toddler better manage the change by understanding a child’s feelings and behaviors and responding to their needs. | Tipsheet |
Divorce and Its Impact on Infants and Toddlers: Strategies for Support in Early Childhood Programs | This info module provides an overview and strategies for supporting children who are experiencing the emotional impact of divorce. | Info Module |
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