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Results: Page 15 of 53
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Car Seat Safety for Premature Infants "Choosing the right car seat is one of the most important steps in ensuring car seat safety for your premature baby. Many preemies will go home below the lower weight limit for many car seats. Therefore, you will need to choose a seat that will properly fit a small baby." Learn more from this article from VeryWell Family. Website
Care Plan for Children with Special Health Care Needs These plans can be used to create an accommodation plan for children with special medical needs. Document
Caregiver Handouts: Games and Activities that Build Brains and Executive Function Skills "Here you’ll find handouts with suggestions for games and activities to do with children of different ages. They can be shared at well child visits or when caregivers are looking for support with behavior. These activities can promote child-caregiver bonding, executive function skills, and build children’s brains through play." These handouts are from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.  These resources are available in English and Spanish! Document
Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign The Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign website consists of information from a four-year national public education campaign by the Center for Mental Health Services, a component of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness about the emotional problems of America's children and adolescents and gain support for needed services. The website contains links for children and adolescents, tips for parents ranging from improving your child's mental health to issues that families may face regarding mental health. There are resources available for purchase or to download. The information is also available in spanish at www.mentalhealth.org/espanol/ Website
CDC Act early Resources and supports for developmental reviews and identifying first signs of developmental concerns. Website
CDC Finds More Preschoolers Have Autism New federal figures indicate that autism prevalence among young children is on the rise. The findings are the latest to emerge from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Document
CDC Launches Milestone Tracker App From birth to age 5, your child should reach milestones in how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves. Photos and videos in this app illustrate each milestone and make tracking them for your child easy and fun! Website
Celebrating Pride Month and Inclusion for All Families "When early childhood educators, caregivers and parents make an effort to maintain a welcoming atmosphere, it creates an environment in which all children and families can thrive. [In this article from Zero to Three] Learn how you can show appreciation and enthusiasm for supporting LGBTQ+ families and early childhood professionals, and their needs."  Document
Celiac Disease Foundation Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1990 by Elaine Monarch to improve the quality of life for all people affected by celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity through funding important advocacy, education, and research initiatives. Today, under the guidance of a National Board of Directors and an internationally renowned Medical Advisory Board, the Foundation leads the fight to increase the rate of diagnosis, to improve treatments, and to find a cure for celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Website
Center for Disease Control (Act Early) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), in collaboration with a number of national partners, launched a public awareness campaign called "Learn the Signs. Act Early." The campaign aims to educate parents about childhood development, including early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, and encourages developmental screening and intervention. Website