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Results: Page 42 of 48
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Strategies to Support Young Children after an Emergency      For early care and education professionals, one of the tasks of recovery is the identification of how to best support children and their families to return to daily routines and regain some sense of normalcy.   Info Module
Stress Detectives and Safe Harbors: Helping Children Feel Secure This resource, a narrated webinar with Power Point slides from The University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development (CEED),"introduces us to four concepts we can apply to both prevent and manage challenging behaviors in children. It offers an evidence-based approach we can use with all children. Whether working with children that are developing typically, or those that have been identified with developmental delays or disabilities, the information in this resource will equip you with invaluable knowledge and practices." Document
Study Proves That Cuddling Babies Early (and Often) Has Huge Benefits Check out this article to learn more about how early skin-to-skin contact can support improved neurodevelopment, higher IQ, and lower rates of aggression.  Document
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than 1 year old in which the cause was not obvious before investigation. These deaths often happen during sleep or in the baby’s sleep area. Learn more about the problem and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) activities. Website
Supervisión activa: Fuera (Active Supervision: Outside) El juego al aire libre es activo, por lo que los niños necesitarán más supervisión que en el interior. Mantenga a los niños seguros afuera siguiendo las estrategias en esta hoja de consejos. Tipsheet
Supervisión activa: Tiempo libre (Active Supervision: Free Time) Los cuidadores son responsables de mantener seguros a los niños. La supervisión activa requiere vigilancia constante, atención enfocada y observación intencional de los niños en todo momento. Tipsheet
Supporting Children Following an Emergency Event Recovery following an emergency event is an ongoing process that includes supporting the mental, physical and emotional health of children and their families. This tip sheet highlights some practical strategies for early care and education professionals. Tipsheet
Supporting Children in Uncertain Times: Responding to the Coronavirus Children may be feeling more unsettled during uncertain times, such as the current coronavirus pandemic. When children are unsettled, they may show their feelings through challenging behaviors. This tip sheet provides several ways in which adults and caregivers can help children cope. Tipsheet
Supporting Children with Medication Administration Needs It is essential caregivers and teachers DO NOT take a casual approach when administering medication to children in their care. Using a formal process when administering medication will minimize medication-related injuries and decrease liability risk factors to the caregivers and teachers. Tipsheet
Supporting Children with Type 1 Diabetes Child care programs cannot refuse providing care to a child because he or she has diabetes. The following information will help you in setting up support in the event you have a child with Type 1 Diabetes in your care. Tipsheet