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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Separated Children The family separation policy has separated at least 2,300 undocumented immigrant children from their parents and placed them in governmental care in shelters and foster homes across the United States. For young children in particular, the sudden and frightening removal from their parents is strikingly traumatic. Far from home, alone, and in a country where they do not speak the language, it is not difficult to imagine the feelings of terror and isolation these children must be feeling. Website
September is National Preparedness Month: Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared "September marks the start of National Preparedness Month, a campaign designed by the Institute for Childhood Preparedness to raise awareness about natural disasters, emergencies, and community planning. Without proper planning, families across the country are at risk of losing their homes, valuables, and their lives. We’re often asked when the best time to start preparing for an emergency is, and the answer is always: Now!" Website
Sesame Street in Communities This website provides activities, tips, professional development opportunities and many other resources from Sesame Street. The information gathered can be customized for parents, providers and for specific ages, type of activities and length of time of the activity.  Website
Sesame Street in Communities - Making Healthy Food Choices Here is a list of resources compiled by the Head Start National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety. Document
Sesame Street in Communities Resources  Tons of resources that help kids (and parents!) with what matters most in young lives: health and wellness, social-emotional skills, and school readiness. All are critical to children’s healthy development…and together they build the foundation for a happy, healthy life. Website
Sesame Street in Communities: Eating Well "Teaching kids to eat healthy is easier than you might think. A balanced diet involves eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, planning easy and healthy meals, and buying or preparing budget-friendly foods and snacks." Here are some great ideas from our friends at Sesame Street.
Setting Up the Environment to Meet the Physical Needs of All Children: Part One Priscilla Weigel and special guest Vicki Thrasher Cronin discuss a child care setting that needed help with providing more physical activity and space for the children in their care. This three part series walks through the process of transformation.  Part 1 of this series focuses on the need for this group of children to participate in more rough and tumble play and how the process of creating these opportunities began. Podcast
Setting Up the Environment to Meet the Physical Needs of All Children: Part Three Priscilla Weigel and Vicki Thrasher Cronin end this series with an overview of ways to support parents understanding of their child"s temperament and learning style and how more activity infused through the day can be beneficial.  They also discuss building that supportive relationship with parents and how they can help facilitate positive change long term through referral and evaluation. Podcast
Setting Up the Environment to Meet the Physical Needs of All Children: Part Two Priscilla Weigel and Vicki Thrasher Cronin continue their discussion of providing more physical movement by discussing what was needed to change the existing space and how the whole center helped make this idea a reality. Podcast
Share the love in February; It's National Children's Dental Health Month Here is a video from the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness that offers tips on how to help improve children's oral health.