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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Prevención de la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas (Preventing the Spread of Communicable Illness) Las enfermedades transmisibles, también conocidas como enfermedades infecciosas o transmisibles, a menudo se pueden prevenir fácilmente con procedimientos adecuados de lavado de manos y aplicación estricta de protocolos y pautas de salud y exclusión. Esta hoja de consejos cubre cómo se propagan los gérmenes y cuál es la mejor manera de prevenir infecciones en el entorno de cuidado infantil. Tipsheet
Prevent Child Deaths in Hot Cars This resource offers some facts about the dangers of children being left in hot vehicles and tips on how to help prevent this tragedy. Document
Prevent the Flu: Tips for Parents & Child Care Providers "We can't stop every illness at child care. But the good news is that parents and child care providers can help slow the spread of the flu (influenza)." The American Academy of Pediatrics created this resource that is shared on healthychildren.org Website
Preventing and Managing the Flu Check out this information-packed resource from the National Center of Early Childhood Health and Wellness.  Document
Preventing Injuries to Your Child's Mouth From the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center:As a parent, you want to keep your child safe, but you learn that injuries can happen in a moment. Children can injure their mouths when they fall or trip. They can also injure their mouths when they climb on furniture or run with something in their mouth. Document
Preventing the Spread of Communicable Illness Communicable illnesses—also known as an infectious or transmissible diseases—are often easily prevented with proper handwashing procedures and strict enforcement of health and exclusion protocols and guidelines. This tip sheet covers how germs are spread and how best to prevent infections in the child care setting. Tipsheet
Preventing, Monitoring, and Managing Head Lice This tip sheet highlights important steps in preventing, monitoring, and managing head lice in early care and education programs. Tipsheet
Promoting Children's Health in Early Care and Education Settings by Supporting Health Consultation This IMPACT summarizes research on the role and benefits of health consultation in early learning settings, and reviews policies, regulations, training, and payment structures used to support health consultation in Connecticut and other states. The IMPACT also provides a framework for Connecticut to better integrate health into early learning systems through health consultation. Website
Promoting Self-Care: Suggestions for Families and Staff Developed by Kids Matter, the Australian Government, Beyond Blue & Early Childhood Australia, this easy to digest fact sheet includes suggestions for promoting self-care to families and staff. Document
Qeexitaanka Qaybaha Wax Barashada (Defining Activity Areas) Sharaxaadda aagagga waxqabadka waa tallaabada ugu horreysa ee qorshaynta deegaanka loogu talagalay dhallaanka iyo socod baradka, waxayna ku lug leedahay qorshaynta qaabeynta jawiga gudaha iyo dibadda. Defining activity areas is the first step in planning the environment for infants and toddlers, and involves planning the layout of the indoor and outdoor environment. Tipsheet