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Results: Page 34 of 48
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Physiologic Hearing Screening for Infants and Toddlers This instructional package discusses the importance of periodic, physiologic hearing screening for infants and toddlers. It provides practical guidance for health care providers on how Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening can be conducted during well-child visits. Website
PKD Foundation The PKD Foundation site has research information, friends and groups chat forums and contacts, legislative action alerts, news, self-produced publications, conference information and very well categorized links related to Polycystic Kidney Disease and issues concerning it's treatment and diagnosis. Information in other languages is available, however it is not administered or monitored by PKD Foundation. Website
Planning for Winter Emergencies Programs in areas that experience extreme cold should have a plan for handling winter emergencies. Explore tips [from Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center - ECLKC] your program can use to prepare for emergencies such as frostbite, hypothermia, and loss of power. Website
Play safe! Be safe! Multi-media Kit Young children and people with developmental disabilities are among those at highest risk from fire. Young children have a great deal of experience with fire from family activities such as cooking and grilling, camping, and celebrations involving candles, yet can't really understand how dangerous fire can be. Website
Playground and Outdoor Play Safety How can I tell whether the play structures and playgrounds my child uses are safe? Use this checklist from the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to find out whether the playgrounds and play structures your child uses are up to par. Be sure to consider your neighborhood public playgrounds, your own play equipment or your neighbor's, and your preschool and school playgrounds. Document
Playing it Safe: Selecting Toys for Children The safety and durability of toys is one of the most important considerations when making toy selections for children. Find out more about selecting toys that are safe for young children. Info Module
Podcasts at CDC Listen to/view CDC podcasts on your computer or download them for reliable health and safety information when and where you want it. Website
Poison Help- Child Tips When accidents happen with chemicals, medicine, or household items, call Poison Help. Get help right away from a local poison expert. Document
Porciones para niños preescolares En el cuidado infantil, la cantidad que servimos en las comidas y meriendas/snacks depende de la edad del niño. Una porción razonable para preescolares es más pequeña que para adolescentes o adultos. La siguiente tabla compara las porciones para adultos y preescolares. Puede parecer que no es mucha comida, pero las cantidades de abajo son las correctas para los pequeños estómagos de los preescolares y la energía que necesitan. Document
Potty Training: Learning to Use the Toilet Tips, skills, and strategies for successful toilet training.  Tipsheet