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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Mikey Makes a Mess The story is about Mikey, a little boy who likes to leave his things exactly where he wants them–in the middle of the floor. His parents aren’t too pleased. But then Mikey’s daddy leaves out something he shouldn’t–a book of matches. Both of them learn there are some things that shouldn’t be left lying around. In addition to the lesson that matches and lighters are adult tools only, the story is a gentle reminder that picking up clutter and keeping pathways clear is a good safety technique too. Website
Minnesota Department of Education - Outdoor & Nature-Based Learning "Minnesota has a variety of outdoor environments where young children can explore, play and interact with the natural world. Play and learning can happen outside in the fall, winter, spring and summer. Early educators can use outdoor spaces to support the learning of all children. The benefits of outdoor experiences for children are well documented. When children spend time outside they explore science topics using curiosity, creativity and wondering, becoming better problem solvers and critical thinkers. When children are outside, they take turns, talk to each other about what they see and interact with their peers in cooperative ways. Being outside leads to more time being physically active and developing small and large motor skills." Visit the Minnesota Department of Education - Outdoor & Nature-Based Learning webpage for additional resources.   Website
Minnesota Department of Health - Hand Hygiene Wash Your Hands! Hand hygiene is a term used to cover both hand washing using soap and water, and cleaning hands with waterless or alcohol-based hand sanitizers.   Be sure to scroll down to see the handwashing videos! In addition to English, they are also available in ASL and multiple languages. Website
Minnesota Department of Human Services People need help. That is why we are here."  The Minnesota Department of Human Services website "is available to you and your family to look for programs available to eligible Minnesotans. Search for information on Food and Nutrition, Housing, Income, Health Care, Child Care Assistance, and Mental Health Crisis.  You will also find important updates for health care workers, license holders, county and tribal workers, grantees and other program administrators.” Website
Moebius Syndrome Foundation The Moebius Syndrome Foundation website answers questions related to Moebius Syndrome including what it is, how it occurs, how it is treated, newsletter, conference information, and a chat room. Special feeding equipment information is also available. Website
Most Parents Don't Think They are Meeting Nutritional Needs Even though most American parents believe good nutrition is important for their children, only one-third think they're doing a good job teaching their kids healthy eating habits, a new survey shows. Document
Muhimadda joogtaynta iyo jadwalka horumarinta caafimaadka ilmaha qaybta labaad (The Importance of Routines and Schedules for Children's Health Development Part 2) Dhacdadan, Bureeqo Dahir, Tababaraha CICC, iyo martida khaaska ah Marian Hassan ayaa wada hadlaya muhiimada ay leedahay samaynta joogtayn iyo jadwalyo goobta caruurnimoda hore. In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of establishing routines and schedules in the early childhood setting. Podcast
Multicultural Collection of Farm to ECE Books The Food Trust’s multicultural collection of farm to ECE books highlights children’s books that feature characters from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, many of which are authored by writers of color. The list also includes a number of books that are either bilingual or written exclusively in Spanish. These books cover a wide variety of farm to ECE related topics including gardening, farms, cooking, family meals, farmers markets, shopping for food and more. Website
My Head Itches! All About Head Lice The first step in learning how to treat, manage and prevent head lice is to gain some knowledge about these tiny pests. This info module provides information about the prevention, treatment and management of head lice. Info Module
National Institute for Children's Health Quality "The National Institute for Children's Health Quality (NICHQ) is committed to “achieving better health outcomes for children.” Check out their resources on Breastfeeding, Early Childhood, Infant Health, and more." Website