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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Infant and Childhood Vaccine Resources for Spanish Speaking Parents These resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide information for Spanish speaking parents about vaccines for infants and children, the diseases vaccines prevent, and how to care for their child during vaccine visits. Website
Infant Feeding The first study of a nationally representative group of US infants reports that more than half of babies are currently introduced to complementary foods, that is, foods or drinks other than breast milk or formula, sooner than they should be. Babies who were never breastfed or breastfed for less than four months were most likely to be introduced to foods too early. These findings emphasize the need to introduce foods at the proper time to get the most benefit from breast milk or formula. Document
Infants and Toddlers’ Well-Being Needs a Solid Nutritional Foundation Food is a main contributor to healthy physical growth and development in young children. What, when and how a child eats beginning in infancy matters to the nutritional habits they will develop later in life. Document
Infants Develop Early Understanding of Social Nature of Food Infants develop expectations about what people prefer to eat, providing early evidence of the social nature through which humans understand food, according to a new study conducted at the University of Chicago. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found infants expect people to share food preferences unless they belong to different social groups. Their understanding changes when it comes to disgust toward a food, with infants expecting such reactions to transcend the boundaries of social groups. Even before infants appear to make smart choices about what substances to ingest, they form nuanced expectations that food preferences are fundamentally linked to social groups and social identity. Website
Infants, Toddlers, and Screen Media Not all screen media are healthy for children and exposing very young children to screen media can have lasting impacts on their learning. This article offers definitions, research, and ideas for professionals and families to use. Document
Infectious diseases in childcare settings and schools manual This resource contains technical and parent fact sheets about a variety of infectious diseases, as well as information for disease prevention and control. Information is intended for parents, childcare providers, and school health staff. Website
Influenza (Flu) Information for Child Care Settings from MDH Influenza (Flu) Information for Child Care Settings fact sheet from the Minnesota Department of Health. Document
Information for Schools & Childcare Providers "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes that school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents are concerned about influenza (flu), particularly its effects on children. Educators and staff can help slow the spread of respiratory illnesses, including flu. On this page, you will find information on preventing the flu as well as materials and tools for schools. Website
Injuries and Injury Prevention Most injuries can be avoided by understanding how injuries happen, planning ahead, and taking precautions to reduce risks in the child care setting. This tip sheet offers guidance for child care providers and programs. Tipsheet
Injury Prevention Starts at Home "Many childhood injuries are predictable and preventable. You can take action to prevent injuries at home." This article from Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) "highlights the injury types that are most likely to cause pain, serious complications, or death in young children."  There is a PDF version available too! Website