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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Guidance in Choosing Developmental Screening Instruments The Commonwealth Fund has released a new manual entitled Pediatric Developmental Screening: Understanding and Selecting Screening Instruments, by Dennis Drotar, Terry Stancin, and Paul Dworkin. It is based on a comprehensive review of scientific research and is meant to assist providers in selecting and using screening instruments that are appropriate for their practice settings. Website
Guidance on Completing a Written Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening, severe allergic reaction. The immediate assessment of patients having an allergic reaction and prompt administration of epinephrine, if criteria for anaphylaxis are met, promote optimal outcomes. National and international guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis, including those for management of allergic reactions at school, as well as several clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend the provision of written emergency action plans to those at risk of anaphylaxis, in addition to the prescription of epinephrine autoinjectors. Website
Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation International The Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS) Foundation International website has information and research links about GBS and provides services to people who are affected by it. There are discussion groups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and opportunities to start your own support group or become part of an existing one. Research funding is available, patient packets are distributed by the foundation, as well as a comprehensive booklet about GBS, and a handbook for caregivers. Website
Handling Emergencies "Whether you’re preparing for the unexpected or recovering from it, your reassurance and comfort hold great power to soothe children even on the scariest, toughest days." Here is an informative resource from Sesame Street in Communities. Website
Hazard Mapping for Early Care and Education Programs Hazard Mapping is a process that Head Start programs can use after an injury occurs. It helps to: 1) identify location(s) for high risk of injury; 2) pinpoint systems and services that need to be strengthened; 3) develop a corrective action plan; and 4) incorporate safety and injury prevention into ongoing-monitoring activities. Hazard mapping is employed effectively in emergency preparedness planning related to natural disasters. It also is used to isolate locations of disease outbreaks and determine where prevention efforts are most needed. Website
Health Finder Welcome to healthfinder.gov, a government website where you will find information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy. Website
Health Manager Orientation Guide | ECLKC This guide from the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is a starting point to help health managers determine what needs their attention, how to structure their work, and ways to continue to grow and learn. Organized into chapters based on the core areas of health and behavioral health, it may be read from beginning to end or referenced as needed. Website
Health Needs of Children Facing Rural Homelessness From the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center:Head Start services fill a critical need in rural areas. They support the health of children and families, including those experiencing homelessness. This resource describes the health needs of children facing rural homelessness. It also offers strategies to support health-related needs in rural communities.  Website
Health Precautions Related to Covid-Updates as of September 29, 2022 Our guest, Sarah Hawley, RN, BSN, PHN, shares the most recent updates to the precautions and expectations that child care settings need in place related to the current Covid status.  This episode covers an overview of the CDC’s CURRENT Operational Guidance to Support In-person Learning.    Podcast
Health Tips for Families These fact sheets can be used by all early care and professional programs to share in your programs and communities to strengthen the health and wellness of all children. These tip sheets are available in nine different languages. Website