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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) - Information for Child Care and Education Professionals The Minnesota Department of Health has created a website that provides information for child care and education professionals about Cytomegalovirus (CMV).  Learn how to reduce the risk of getting CMV. Website
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Congenital CMV - Fact Sheet for Child Care Providers What is CMV and Congenital CMV? CMV is a common virus. Anyone, at any age, can get CMV. Over half of adults in the U.S. have been infected with the virus by age 40. Most healthy people don’t know that they have CMV because it doesn’t usually cause any symptoms or harmful effects. However, if you are pregnant and have CMV, the virus can pass through the placenta to your growing fetus. When a baby is born with CMV, it is known as congenital CMV. Congenital CMV can be serious and may harm the brain, eyes, or inner ears of some babies infected before birth. Taking steps to reduce your risk of getting CMV is especially important if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant. Document
Daily Health Checklist From the Child Care Aware of America Newsletter: Child care providers are expected to do a daily health check for each of the children in their care. The Daily Health Check checklist, produced by the Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill is a one page resource that asks answers fundamental questions about how to do the health check. (Resource references North Carolina child care rules) Document
Daily Health Checks in Early Care and Education Programs The daily health check is an important part of each school day to ensure the health and safety of all children and staff in the early care and education (ECE) program. The purpose  of the daily health check is to identify children with symptoms of illness and refer them to seek medical care when needed.  This article, from the California Childcare Health Program (CCHP), can be accessed in a variety of languages. Website
Daily Picture Schedule The world can be a scary and unpredictable place for children. We can help them feel safe by making things feel predictable and familiar through the use of daily picture schedules. Document
Daily Separations and Reunions Parents, staff, and children all experience intense emotions when young children leave or return to a caregiver's program. It is important to provide emotional support for staff, parents, and children. The pattern of "give and take" that occurs among young children and their parents and caregivers shapes how children feel about themselves. Website
Dealing with Head Lice in Group Settings Of the infectious diseases children can come down with, one of the most feared, though least serious, is head lice. It strikes fear in the hearts of parents and child care providers alike, mostly due to concern for stigma that the child or worker is ‘unclean’ and that ‘everyone will know.’ Document
DEC Position Statement on Low Birth Weight, Prematurity & Early Intervention The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) endorses the development of national guidelines for the identification and eligibility for Part C Early Intervention (EI) services of children born low birth weight (LBW) and preterm in the United States. When you visit this site, you can download the Full Position Statement and/or the Executive Summary. Website
Desorden del procesamiento sensorial (Sensory Processing Disorder) La información errónea causada en el cerebro por un trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD) puede interferir con la sensación de seguridad y protección de un niño. Aprenda sobre los ocho sentidos, las respuestas del sistema sensorial y los comportamientos comunes de los niños con SPD en esta hoja de consejos. Tipsheet
Developing and Implementing a Programwide Vision for Effective Mental Health Consultation This toolkit is intended to support administrators in their efforts to develop and implement a vision and strategic plan for a programwide approach to mental health and mental health consultation. Program administrators will learn how to ensure more effective mental health consultation by facilitating staff-consultant relationships and providing support and oversight to mental health consultants. This toolkit will also provide administrators with ideas and tools to help plan and sustain effective mental health consultation in their programs Document