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Who is Caring for Latino Children? Who is Caring for Latino Children? Source: National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families The National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families released this brief last month (July 2018) that provides the first national portrayal of the early care and education (ECE) workforce serving a large share of Latino families. The brief examines the qualifications, values, and diversity of these teachers and caregivers, and discusses how educational opportunities for this workforce will increase children's access to high quality ECE.  Website
Working with Infants and Toddlers: The Importance of Family Partnerships Tips for building partnerships with family members of infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Wrightslaw The Wrightslaw website's mission is to help people advocate for children with disabilities. You will find hundreds of articles, cases, and newsletters regarding special education law and advocacy. The site has topics ranging from advocacy, ADD, and autism, to inclusion and section 504. The site also has a bookstore on the topics listed above. The site has two bulletin boards, Special Ed Advocate Forum, and the Discussion Group. Website
Xaasaasiyadda Cuntada (Food Allergies) Calaamadaha iyo astaamaha xasaasiyadda cuntada ee ugu badan carruurta yaryar iyo xeelado looga hortago soo-gaadhista. Signs and symptoms of the most common food allergies in young children and strategies to prevent exposure. Tipsheet
Xeelado Kahortagaya Dabeecadaha Adag (Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behaviors) Xeeladaha tageerada wanaagsan waxay kahortagi karaan dabeecadaha adag caruurtaadana xanaanada ku wanaajin kara. Good support strategies can prevent difficult behaviors and improve your child's care. Tipsheet
Xoojinta Xiriirka Aas aasiga ah ee Caruurta Lagu Hayyo Xanaanada iyo Barnaamiijta Waxbarashada (Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs) Sababtoo ah cilaaqaadyadu waa udub dhexaadka horumarka iyo barashada, daryeelka hore, iyo bixiyeyaasha waxbarashadu waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan nolosha carruurta ay la shaqeeyaan. Xaashidan tilmaanta ahi waxay daboolaysaa sida loo abuuro xiriirro tayo leh carruurta aad daryeesho. Because relationships are at the core of development and learning, early care, and education providers play a critical role in the lives of the children with whom they work. This tip sheet covers how to establish quality relationships with the children in your care. Tipsheet
Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic The Autism Program at Yale is an interdisciplinary group of clinicians and scholars dedicated to providing comprehensive clinical services to children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. This is also one of the leading research centers in the world and recently recognized as a National Institutes of Health AUTISM CENTER OF EXCELLENCE. Our program involves infants, toddlers, pre-school, and school-age children, as well as young adults (18-21 years) with autism and related disorders and integrates highly experienced professionals from the fields of clinical psychology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging, child psychiatry, speech-language pathology, social work, genetics and the biological sciences, as well as psychopharmacology and psychiatric nursing. Our clinical and research activities are located in the Child Study Center at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Website
Yellow Pages for Kids This site sorts out services and resources specific to children with disabilities and details about these resources. Website
Zero to Three The Zero to Three website has many resources for both parents and early childhood professionals alike. Training information is available for professionals. The site has a journal online as well as a bookstore. One of the many articles on the site is regarding Infant Mental Health. Website