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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Tips to Keep Kids Warm All Winter "Whether winter brings severe storms, light dustings or just cold temperatures, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some valuable tips on how to keep your children safe and warm." Website
Toddlers: Strategies for Supporting the Development of Communication Skills Specific strategies to support the development of communication skills in toddlers. Tipsheet
Todoba Xeeladood oo Lagu Dhiso Bay’ad Caruurta aqbashada Dhamaantoodna Soo Jiidata (Seven Inclusion Strategies) Xeeladaha xirfadeed ee daryeelka carruurta iyo waxbarashada si loo abuuro jawi ay carruurta oo dhami ku leeyihiin dareen lahaansho. Child care and education professional strategies to create an environment in which all children have a sense of belonging. Tipsheet
Tracking Services for Infants, Toddlers and their Families To help you in your advocacy for infants and toddlers, this chart summarizes the primary federal programs currently focused on very young children and the roles of federal, state and local governments in those programs. Document
Transforming the Early Education Workforce: A Multimedia Guidebook New America recently published, Transforming the Early Education Workforce: A Multimedia Guidebook, an interactive resource designed to make key takeaways from that 2015 report more digestible and actionable. Website
Trauma and Challenging Behavior This tip sheet highlights the relationship between trauma and challenging behavior and offers strategies to build caring relationships with young children. Tipsheet
U.S. Department of Education Early Learning Initiative Find the latest information about the U.S. Department of Educations's work in supporting our nation's youngest learners. The web page is designed to include information about key programs, funding opportunities, resources and publications, technical assistance, and interagency work; early learning in the Administration's proposal for reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA); and investments in early learning across Departments. The page includes presentation materials, a webinar, blog posts, and public comments from our Listening and Learning about Early Learning tour. Website
Understanding Compassion Fatigue A helpful handout developed by Rebecca Bundy, M.A., NCC, LPCC.  This handout defines Compassion Fatigue, discusses the signs and symptoms, and provides strategies for developing Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Document
Understanding Learning Disabilities--Inclusion Strategies for Meeting Learning Needs Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel wrap up this four part podcast series with Martha Moriarty and Mary Beth Kelley of the Learning Disabilities Association of Minnesota by discussing useful inclusion strategies for children who may have behavioral characteristics of ADHD or learning disabilities. Mary Beth shares many of the ways a setting can be adapted to meet the learning needs of all children and especially support those who struggle with language or attention. Podcast
Understanding Special Needs Rates of the Child Care Assistance Program The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Special Needs Rate is available for children with special needs in Minnesota who receive CCAP and meet designated criteria. This tip sheet provides a description of the Child Care Assistance Program's Special Needs Rate and the process to request. Tipsheet