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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Problem Solvers: A Free Early Math Curriculum Problem Solvers, from Zero to Three is a free, downloadable early math curriculum that includes: 22 play-based early math activities, spanning 7 domains of early math 22 specially-composed songs that support early math learning in each activity 22 book suggestions and extension activities that nurture early math language through read-alouds 22 parent resources (English/Spanish) that build bridges between school and home, and give parents ideas for engaging math play A Teacher’s Guide to help educators implement the curriculum The development of Problem Solvers was made possible by the generous support of the Honda USA Foundation and the Dr. Seuss Foundation.  Website
Problemas de desarrollo: Cuándo remitir los niños (Developmental Concerns: When to Refer Children) Esta hoja de consejos presenta los hitos típicos del desarrollo para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años de edad y qué hacer cuando hay problemas de desarrollo. This tip sheet presents the typical developmental milestones for children birth to 3 years of age and what to do when there are developmental concerns. Tipsheet
Promoting Children's Health in Early Care and Education Settings by Supporting Health Consultation This IMPACT summarizes research on the role and benefits of health consultation in early learning settings, and reviews policies, regulations, training, and payment structures used to support health consultation in Connecticut and other states. The IMPACT also provides a framework for Connecticut to better integrate health into early learning systems through health consultation. Website
Qeexitaanka Qaybaha Wax Barashada (Defining Activity Areas) Sharaxaadda aagagga waxqabadka waa tallaabada ugu horreysa ee qorshaynta deegaanka loogu talagalay dhallaanka iyo socod baradka, waxayna ku lug leedahay qorshaynta qaabeynta jawiga gudaha iyo dibadda. Defining activity areas is the first step in planning the environment for infants and toddlers, and involves planning the layout of the indoor and outdoor environment. Tipsheet
Qodobo Muhiim ah ee laxiriira bey’adda dhallaanka dhashay ama kuwa socod baradkaa #3: Carri Mushaaxa uu Cunugu horseedey iyo Qadarinta Cunuga (Essential Elements of Infant & Toddler Environments: #3 Child-Initiated Exploration and Respect) Qaybta saddexaad ee taxane ah lix cunsur oo muhiim u ah qaabeynta jawi loogu talagalay dhallaanka iyo socod baradka. The third in a series of six essential elements in designing environments for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Qodobo Muhiim ah ee laxiriira bey’adda dhallaanka dhashay ama kuwa socod baradkaa #5: Ku Doorsashada (Essential Elements of Infant & Toddler Environments #5: Choice) Qaybta shanaad ee taxane ah lix cunsur oo muhiim u ah naqshadeynta bey'ada dhallaanka iyo socod baradka. The fifth element in a series of six essential elements in designing environments for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Questions to Ask When Seeking Child Care for Children with Special Needs A tip sheet with guiding questions for family members to use when seeking an early care and education program for a child with special needs. Tipsheet
Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years A new film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years (48 minutes), produced by Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo,  features vignettes of anti-bias strategies in early childhood classrooms interspersed with teachers reflecting on their practice.  Website
Relaciones con las familias (Relationships with Families) Estrategias de comunicación para ayudar a los cuidadores a construir relaciones positivas con las familias de los niños en su programa. Communication strategies for helping caregivers build positive relationships with the families of the children in their program. Tipsheet
Release of Information When developing policies around confidential information what type of documentation do you need to have in place to ensure that it is secure?  Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss key components of a Consent to Release Information Form that you should have in place. Podcast