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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Kormeer Joogto ah: Dibadda (Active Supervision: Outside) Ciyaaraha banaanka ayaa firfircoon sidaa darteed caruurtu waxay u baahan doonaan kormeer ka badan inta ay ku sameeyaan gudaha. Carruurta ku ilaali meel ka baxsan iyaga oo raacaya xeeladaha ku yaal xaashidan tilmaanta ah. Tipsheet
Kormeer Joogto ah: Xiliyada Firaaqada (Active Supervision: Free Time) Daryeel bixiyeyaasha ayaa mas'uul ka ah ilaalinta carruurta ammaan. Kormeerka firfircoon wuxuu u baahan yahay feejignaan joogto ah, feejignaan feejignaan leh, iyo ula kac ula kac ah carruurta waqti kasta. Tipsheet
Las Etapas del Juego (The Stages of Play) A medida que los niños crecen y se desarrollan, los tipos de juego en los que participan también crecen y se desarrollan. Esta hoja de consejos explora las diferentes etapas del juego. As children grow and develop, the types of play in which they participate also grow and develop. This tip sheet explores the different stages of play. Tipsheet
Lashaqaynta Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socod Baradka ah: Muhiimadda ay Leedahay in Iskaashi Lalayeesho Waalidiinta (Working with Infants and Toddlers: The Importance of Family Partnerships) Talooyin ku saabsan dhisidda iskaashi lala yeesho xubnaha qoyska ee dhallaanka iyo socod baradka. Tips for building partnerships with family members of infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Lesiones y su prevención (Injuries and Injury Prevention) La mayoría de las lesiones se pueden evitar al comprender cómo ocurren, planificar con anticipación y tomar precauciones para reducir los riesgos en el entorno de cuidado infantil. Esta hoja de consejos ofrece orientación para los proveedores y programas de cuidado infantil. Tipsheet
Liderazgo y dirección de programas: Apoyando a educadores y niños pequeños en nuestros programas (Program Leadership and Management: Supporting Educators and Children in Our Programs) En este episodio de Inclusion Matters, damos la bienvenida a Angele Sancho Passe, autora de numerosos libros, uno de los cuales habla sobre el liderazgo y dirección de programas. Como líder, ¿cómo podemos apoyar a nuestro equipo de educadores, especialmente a los educadores que hablan español? Únase a nosotros en esta conversación donde hablamos sobre el importante papel que desempeña el liderazgo en el apoyo tanto a los educadores como a los niños.In this episode of Inclusion Matters, we welcome Angele Sancho Passe, author of many books, one of which highlights Leadership and Program Management. As a leader, how can we support our team of educators, especially Spanish-speaking educators? Join us in this insightful conversation in which we talk about the important role leadership plays in supporting both educators and children.  Podcast
Making a Scripted Story for Early Childhood Education and Care Environments "Scripted stories are a great tool to support a child who has difficulty in a routine or activity. Scripted stories can help a child understand what to expect during the activity or routine, understand the expectations and perspectives of others, and provide instructions about what to do." Here is a great resource from the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations.   Document
Math Activities for Infants and Toddlers are Everyday Explorations From the Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative - Long before they can talk or explain, babies are thinking logically and exploring ordinary everyday objects, sensations, and experiences that are new to them. They are trying to find out more about questions such as: “What is this?” “How does it work?” and “How is it the same and different from something I already know?” Website
Math Skills at Different Ages Kids start learning math the moment they start exploring the world. Each skill — from identifying shapes to counting to finding patterns — builds on what they already know. There are certain math milestones most kids hit at roughly the same age. But keep in mind that kids develop math skills at different rates. If kids don’t yet have all the skills listed for their age group, that’s OK. This resource, from Understood, shows how math skills typically develop as kids get older. Website
Meal Time--Magic or Mayhem: Part Three In the conclusion of our series on daily activities in child care programs, we will talk about the benefits to children with and without disabilities that come from meal time. This is another area of the day when challenging behaviors can take our focus from what we are trying to accomplish like community-building, sharing, emotional regulation and other skills. What can you do when a child eats more slowly than their peers? What about a child who takes someone else’s food? Listen to this lively discussion of the important part of the day. Podcast