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Resource Name Description Resource Type
In Brief: The Resilience Series Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children's healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate resilience, or an adaptive response to serious hardship. A better understanding of why some children do well despite early adversity is important because it can help us design policies and programs that help more children reach their full potential. These three videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops, and how to strengthen it in children. Website
Inclusion: Developmentally Appropriate Care for All Young Children This tip sheet covers the importance of creating inclusive and developmentally appropriate early child care programs through creating access, participation, and supports for young children with special needs. Tipsheet
Inclusion: Six Essential Program Practices High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting this type of care is inclusion of infants and toddlers with special needs (PITC, n.d., a). Document
Inclusive Schools: Good for Kids, Families & Community The Inclusive Schools website highlights the progress of our nation's schools in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, while offering educators, students, and parents an opportunity to discuss what else needs to be done to ensure that their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. There is a downloadable Celebration Kit for the National Inclusive Schools Week. There is an online forum as well as several good articles on the positive affects of inclusion. Website
Individualized Care: Six Essential Program Practices Document
Infant and Toddler Communication Skills: Building Relationships The importance of relationships in supporting infant and toddler development of communication skills. Tipsheet
Infant and Toddler Messaging Guide ZERO TO THREE and Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS) have developed the Infant and Toddler Messaging Guide, which shares the results of a national scan of message trends in infant and toddler advocacy. It provides examples of messages used across the country to describe a wide range of infant and toddler issues and makes suggestions for improvement. The paper offers guidance on how to develop effective messages that make a strong case for investment in infants and toddlers. Document
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part One [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 1] Qeybta Koowaad Waxay kala dhigdhigaysaa arimo muhiim ku ah sida ay ubadka dhashay iyo kuwa socod baradka ah ay wax u bartaan. Podcast
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Three [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 3] Qeybta sadaxaad waxay kahadlaysaa sida ay muhiim utahay sida qofka caruurta wax baraya looga rabo in uu uqasdo waxabarashada uguna fiirsado habladhaqanka ubadka yar yar iyo kuwa socodka baradka sii uu ugu saleeyo waxbarashada korinimadooda. Podcast
Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Two [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 2] Qeybta labaad waxay sharaxaysaa sida saddax arimood oo laxiriira korinnimada sida ay saameeyn ugu leeyihiin qorshaynta manhajka. Podcast