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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Creating a Welcoming Early Childhood Program for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) Families The Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center has recently developed a set of resources to support early childhood professionals to enhance relationships with family members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Administrators, early childhood professionals and family members can use these resources to help build strong partnerships that lead to successful family and child outcomes in early childhood settings. Website
Creating an Inclusive Child Care Environment We must treat all children equally, talk positively about all children, and help them develop non-biased feelings. The most effective way to help children accept a child with a disability is to create a positive atmosphere of acceptance of all children. This Tip Sheet offers strategies to help. Tipsheet
Cuatro Principios Claves de Desarrollo Apropiado de Cuidados Inclusivo Para Todos los Niños Pequeños (Four Key Principles of Developmentally Appropriate Inclusive Care) Esta hoja de consejos cubre los cuatro principios clave del desarrollo del cuidado infantil inclusivo para niños pequeños. The four key principles necessary to provide developmentally appropriate care for all children. Tipsheet
Culturally Sensitive Care: Six Essential Program Practices High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting these goals is the use of culturally sensitive care (PITC, n.d.). Document
Curriculum Modifications: An Introduction Watch a short summary video about eight types of curriculum modifications. Accompanying resources include a tip sheet for teachers, an observation checklist for supervisors, and presentation slides embedded with activities and videos for trainers and professional development providers. These materials introduce curriculum modifications and when and why to use them. Website
Dajinta Qorshaha Tageerada Habdhaqanka Wanaagsan (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Qorshaha habdhaqanka wanaagsan waa qorshe hawleed qeexaya talaabooyin gaar ah oo loo adeegsan karo in lagu dhiirrigeliyo guusha ilmaha iyo ka-qaybgalka waxqabadyada iyo casharrada maalinlaha ah. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay daboolaysaa qaab shaqsiyeed oo ku wajahan geedi socodka qorshaynta. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet
Data Privacy and Confidentiality Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss scenarios that come up in a child care setting related to confidential data.  What is appropriate for you to share?  The hosts examine the essential factors necessary to review when gathering and sharing private data.  Podcast
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division - Minnesota Department of Human Services The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division (DHHSD) promotes equal access for Minnesotans with hearing loss. They operate Regional Services Centers for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People, manage the telephone Equipment Distribution Program, and provides grants for independent living, mental health, and interpreter referral services. Website
Defining Activity Areas Defining activity areas is the first step in planning the environment for infants and toddlers, and involves planning the layout of the indoor and outdoor environment.  Tipsheet
Desarrollo del plan de apoyo de comportamiento positivo (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Un plan de comportamiento positivo es un plan de acción que describe los pasos específicos que se pueden utilizar para promover el éxito y la participación de un niño en las actividades y lecciones diarias. Esta hoja de consejos cubre un enfoque individual del proceso de planificación. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet