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Help Me Grow Part 2-- When I make a referral, what happens next? Join Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel as they continue their discussion with Jayne Cox-Lindsey, Early Childhood Referral In-Take Specialist. Jayne shares with our listeners the next steps that occur once a child enters the Help Me Grow referral process. An example of a referral success story is shared by Jayne which points out the collaborative process that create success for a child and a family. Podcast
Helpful Strategies for Autism in Preschool Classrooms Preschool is a great time for children to work on social skills, following directions and routines, and pre-academic skills, such as colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. This resource is from North Shore Pediatric Therapy. Website
High Quality Child Care Promotes Healthy Development, School Readiness, and School Success Decades of research has documented what is referred to as the “summer slide" – the impact of summer vacation’s learning loss on the educational achievement of children, particularly low-income children. The achievement gap is not really a result of “summer slide” alone but the cumulative effect that begins with school readiness. View this fact sheet for research and statistics on the importance of high-quality care and summer learning. Document
How to Talk about Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Zero to Three, developed an infographic on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH), that can help professionals talk about social and emotional development. Document
How Toddlers Learn Self-Control from 12 to 24 Months Developing self-control begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. Learn what you can do to help your toddler develop and practice self-control.'" Learn more in this article from Zero to Three. Website
IDEA This site was created to provide a "one-stop shop" for resources related to IDEA and its implementing regulations, released on August 3, 2006. Website
IDEA Fact Sheet A federal education law originally passed in 1975. IDEA requires schools to give special education and related services to kids with disabilities who need them. It covers kids from birth through high school. Document
IDEA Infant & Toddler Coordinators Association The IDEA website includes information regarding IDEA as it pertains to infants/toddlers. Position statements, surveys, reports and publications are all available on the site. Website
IDEA Part C Primary Referral Source: Child Care Early care and education professional's role as a primary referral source defined and described. Tipsheet
Inclusion Webinars from ECLKC "Explore these webinars about inclusion issues related to children with disabilities or suspected delays. Topics include interactions, individualization, effective teaching practices, clarification of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS), practice-based coaching, and more! Find three series to choose from:" High-Quality Inclusion Federal Series focuses on clarification of issues with insights from federal staff Highly Individualized Practices Series focuses on strategies that education staff can use every day in their classrooms and on home visits Disability Services in the Head Start Program Performance Standards Series focuses on the issues that are unique to the Head Start community Website