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Results: Page 6 of 17
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Developmental Delay Resources A nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of those working with children who have developmental delays in sensory motor, language, social, and emotional areas. DDR publicizes research into determining identifiable factors that would put a child at risk and maintains a registry, tracking possible trends. DDR also provides a network for parents and professionals and current information after the diagnosis to support children with special needs. Website
Dhisidda Maskaxdu Waxay Bilaabataa Dhalashada Marka ilmuhu dhasho, maskaxda ilmuhu waxay qiyaastii saddex meelood meel le'eg tahay maskaxda qofka weyn. 90 maalmood gudahood, waxay ka badan tahay labanlaab mugga, ilaa 55 boqolkiiba cabbirkeeda kama dambaysta ah. Wax badan ka baro xaqiiqooyin soo jiidasho leh iyo saynis ku saabsan inta yar ee daqiiqadaha maalinlaha ah lagu tiriyo si ay u caawiyaan dhismaha maskaxda ilmaha. Little Moments Count waa dhaqdhaqaaq gobolka oo dhan ah si loogu caawiyo waalidiinta iyo bulshada inay fahmaan muhiimada hadalka, ciyaarta, akhrinta iyo heesaha goor hore iyo inta badan carruurta. Waxaan nahay iskaashi ururo ka shaqeeya si ay u caawiyaan kordhinta isdhexgalka waalidka iyo bulshada ee dhallaanka iyo carruurta.   Website
Disability Information Network The Minnesota State Council on Disability advocates for policies and programs which promote the independence of children and adults with disabilities and protect their rights to participate fully in society. The website includes a calendar of events, newsletters, and resource links. Website
Does My Child Have Physical Developmental Delays? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) designed this tool to serve as a guide in determining concerns. Website
Early Childhood Development: Track These Milestones  Here is a "quick and easy overview of development from birth to age five" from Help Me Grow Minnesota.  You can download and share this infographic with parents and providers. Document
Early Childhood Family Toolkit This is a toolkit for creating a culture of achievement at home, beginning prenatally through the transition to kindergarten. This guide was developed by the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) in partnership with Little Moments Count on the belief that parents and caregivers are children’s first and most important teachers. Website
Early Childhood Special Education in Minnesota-Post Covid Realities In this episode, our guest Danielle Hayden, Supervisor of Early Childhood Special Education at the Minnesota Department of Education joins us to provide an overview of the state of the state as it relates to early intervention across Minnesota in post-Covid realities.    Podcast
Early Childhood Transition Guidebook: What You Need to Know Before Your Child's Third Birthday In Minnesota, the Infant and Toddler Intervention program covers children ages birth to 3 years who are eligible under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C focuses on helping the family meet the developmental needs of their child, such as learning to sit up, walk, or talk. Typically provided in natural environments, such as the child's home or child-care setting, these services and outcomes for the child and family are defined in an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Document
Early Learning Activities and Visual Supports to Teach Toddlers with Autism New Skills and Routines Family Implemented TEACCH for Toddlers (FITT) is collaborative parent education and support model designed to help families better understand and engage with their toddler with autism spectrum disorder. Based on and adapted from the TEACCH model, FITT uses Structured TEACCHing strategies to facilitate toddler’s receptive and expressive communication, social communication, and play skills. Website
Early Signs of Learning Challenges "It can be hard to tell if a preschool-age child is likely to have a learning disability. When kids are young, they develop skills at different speeds, and kids have different strengths and weaknesses. As they get older their abilities usually even out."  Learn more in this article from the Child Mind Institute. Website