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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Autism Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can affect a child's behavior and social and communications skills. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children be screened for autism spectrum disorder at their 18- and 24-month well-child checkups​. Research shows that starting an intervention program as soon as possible can improve outcomes for many children on the autism spectrum. Learn more in the articles below from the American Academy of Pediatrics Website
Autism Information Center The Centers for Disease Control Autism Information Center website has a lot of information. If focuses on activities and resources which are considered best practice for individuals with Autism spectrum disorders. These research initiatives and related activities are conducted by federally funded programs and include some of the following: information on autsim spectrum disorders, CDC activities, education services, and internet-based activities for children to learn more about Autism. Website
Autism Resource Directory This resource guide is for families and caregivers of young children with autism spectrum disorders. Whether your child is just beginning the assessment process or already receives services, you undoubtedly will have questions. You will get a lot of information from many sources--perhaps too much information! It is time consuming and can be confusing to sort through and decide what is best for your family. We hope that this guide can be a valuable tool in your family's journey. We also hope that having this information all in one source will provide you with more time for the important things in life--you and your family. Document
AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER - Professional Resource Guide This professional resource guide from the Maternal and Child Health Library (MCH) presents resources about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) screening, diagnosis, treatment, care, and impact on family life. It includes tools for health care practices; training; improving state systems and services; research; and finding data and statistics, journal articles, reports, and other materials. Website
Baby Games Calendar At Pathways.org you can find activities, milestones, and games based on a baby’s date of birth.   Website
Baby Talk Isn’t Just Cute—It’s Critical for Kids’ Vocabularies Can you say mama?” “Wave bye-bye!” If you’ve spent any time around a baby, chances are you’ve heard or said things like this. The high-pitched, singsong tone we switch to when interacting with young children can go by many names — baby talk, parentese, or, according to development specialists, infant-directed speech. But as simplistic as this melodic chitchat might seem, the conversations are crucial. Learn more in this article from Popular Science.
Bebés bilingües brillantes "Babies are remarkably good at learning languages in their first year of life. In this brief from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning, find out how home visitors can support young children who are learning more than one language. Discover the most up-to-date information to answer three prompts: “What does research say?”; “What does it look like?”; and “Try this!” This resource is also available in ENGLISH. Document
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Toques de Atención en el Desarrollo de Habilidades de Comunicación (Infants and Toddlers: Red Flags in the Development of Communication Skills) Esta hoja de consejos destaca el desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación en bebés y niños pequeños y cuándo preocuparse. This tip sheet highlights the development of communication skills in infants and toddlers and when to be concerned. Tipsheet
Better Endings New Beginnings The Better Endings New Beginnings website has several different resources, all designed to rehabilitate the individual and the family unit. FAS info and games, foster care, adoption, general parenting resources, books, home schooling kids with special needs, including special needs in curriculum, and lots of local event and organization information. Search engine on site. Website
Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! from the US Department of Education, encourages healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for young children, and support for the families and providers who care for them.