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Resource Name Description Resource Type
MN Autism Resource Portal This website was created as a result of a joint state agency effort involving the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Department of Health (MDH), Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities served as a key partner along with the Minnesota Department of Information Technology (MN.IT). The purpose of this website is to provide the Minnesota Autism community with up-to-date information and resources related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is the hope of all involved that this website will help the Minnesota Autism community connect, share and learn together. Content will be collected from a variety of sources, such as nonprofit organizations, state and federal agencies and other autism-related organizations.    Website
MN Department of Education - Kindergarten Information Starting kindergarten is a big milestone in a child’s life and is an important decision for all families. Five-year-old children are experiencing rapid changes in their growth and kindergarten provides a free learning opportunity that supports them during this critical time and lays a foundation for future school success. In kindergarten, your child will learn from highly qualified teachers and benefit from interacting with other children. Your family will become part of a learning community that values the unique needs of each child and fosters of love of learning. Minnesota is committed to supporting the success of all young children as they enter kindergarten. Website
Moebius Syndrome Foundation The Moebius Syndrome Foundation website answers questions related to Moebius Syndrome including what it is, how it occurs, how it is treated, newsletter, conference information, and a chat room. Special feeding equipment information is also available. Website
Muhiimadda Ciyaarta ee Goobaha Daryeelka Hore iyo Waxbarashada ee Soomaalida (The Importance of Play in Somali Early Care and Education Settings) Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, Tababaraha CICC, iyo martida khaaska ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlaya muhiimadda ay ciyaartu u leedahay carruurta yaryar.In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of play for young children. Podcast
Multicultural Collection of Farm to ECE Books The Food Trust’s multicultural collection of farm to ECE books highlights children’s books that feature characters from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, many of which are authored by writers of color. The list also includes a number of books that are either bilingual or written exclusively in Spanish. These books cover a wide variety of farm to ECE related topics including gardening, farms, cooking, family meals, farmers markets, shopping for food and more. Website
National Center on Deaf-Blindness As a national technical assistance center funded by the federal Department of Education, the National Center on Deaf-Blindness works to improve the quality of life for children who are deaf-blind and their families. Website
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children The National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) is a proud division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).  As stated on their website, The Purpose of the NOPBC is to: create a climate of opportunity for blind children in home and society. provide information and support to parents of blind children. facilitate the sharing of experience and concerns among parents of blind children. develop and expand resources available to parents and their children. help parents of blind children gain understanding and perspective through partnership and contact with blind adults. function as an integral part of the National Federation of the Blind in its ongoing effort to achieve equality and opportunity for all blind persons. Website
Overcoming Play Challenges Through Play Partners How to support the development of play and social interaction skills using a play partnering approach. Tipsheet
Parenting Children with Special Needs During COVID-19 Parenting a child with special needs or chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic requires drawing on your strengths and returning to the basics. Website
Pautas para el uso de elementos de presión profunda y ponderados en programas para la primera infancia (Guidelines for Use of Deep Pressure and Weighted Items in Early Childhood Programs) La presión táctil profunda es una forma de entrada sensorial táctil que tiene un efecto relajante, calmante y organizador sobre el sistema nervioso. Se puede proporcionar sujetándolo firmemente, abrazándolo, apretando y usando artículos pesados. La presión táctil profunda puede ser beneficiosa para las personas con altos niveles de ansiedad o con niveles elevados de excitación. Tipsheet