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Here’s 9 Ideas to help Children and Adults with ADHD Sleep Better "Sleep issues are common for children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). People with ADHD often have a hard time focusing, sitting still or quieting their body. It’s no wonder that they then may have trouble falling or staying asleep. When your brain is racing, sleep feels impossible. Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, weaken your immune system, disrupt your metabolism and cause problems with memory and concentration. The good news is there are also many ideas to help children and adults with ADHD sleep better." Learn more in this article written by Pam Dewey for the Fraser Blog. Website
Herramientas para la caja de herramientas: Estrategias para hacer frente a comportamientos desafiantes (Tools for the Toolbox: Strategies to Meet Challenging Behaviors) Registration Available Monday, July 1, 2024 - Tuesday, July 1, 2025Explore herramientas para trabajar con niños que tienen comportamientos desafiantes, incluidas adaptaciones ambientales y programáticas. Explore estrategias de orientación específicas que apoyen las necesidades sensoriales, de desarrollo y de temperamento de todos los niños.Área del marco de conocimientos y competencias - II.C: Promoción del desarrollo social y emocional  Área de contenido de CDA - III: Formas positivas de apoyar el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños Este curso es accesible desde un dispositivo móvil. Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda verlo desde una computadora o tableta.Para diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envielo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: credit@inclusivechildcare.org. * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. Course
Histiocytosis Association of America The Histiocytosis Association of America provides funding for research, provides mutual support, and educates physicians and the public with issues surrounding histiocytosis. A newsletter and chat rooms are available online. Website
Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing The recent event of George Floyd’s murder happened within a context of historical trauma experienced by African Americans throughout U.S. history. The experiences of genocide, massacres, slavery, relocation and destruction of cultural practices shared by African Americans and other communities of color can result in cumulative emotional and psychological wounding carried across generations, a concept that researchers and practitioners call "historical trauma." This resource is from the Univerisity of Minnesota Extension. Website
Holidays and Anti-bias Education This article was written by Julie Bisson and Louise Derman-Sparks and was featured in the September/October 2016 Child Care Exchange Magazine. Document
Holidays in a Diverse World: Applying Anti-Bias Thinking to Curriculum "Acknowledging or celebrating holidays in early learning programs can bring pleasure to many families, staff, and children and can be useful in building connections between programs and families. However, holidays also pose a range of challenges to ensuring that all children, families, and staff feel respected and that children learn about a diverse world. Whether or not to include any holidays in your curriculum, and what activities to use if you do, requires thoughtful decision making.In this blog, which is an excerpt from the second edition of Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards, with Catherine M. Goins, offer considerations about how programs and teachers can think about and take an anti-bias approach to holidays in their settings." Document
Home Solutions to Cope with Sensory Processing Issues and Sensitivities Because of misguided brain signaling, specific sensory triggers – of any sense - can become absolutely debilitating and unbearable.   Document
How Can I Prevent Gender Bias? This resource from the Anti-Defamation League highlights a variety of measures adults can take to create fair and gender equitable environments for young children. Document
How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children? In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what occupational therapy is and how an OT works with children around self care skills, sensory needs, and fine motor development.  Podcast
How Does the ADA Relate to Child Care? Child care is considered a public accommodation under the ADA and so must comply with the civil right mandates of access and non-discriminatory policies and practices for children and their families. This tip sheet covers expectations for child care programs under the ADA. Tipsheet