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Estrategias de autocuidado para proveedores de cuidado infantil: Parte 1 (Self-Care Strategies for Child Care Providers: Part 1) Comprender la importancia de las conexiones humanas, el compromiso social y los sentimientos de seguridad es el núcleo del trabajo de cuidado infantil basado en relaciones. En esta hoja de consejos destacaremos los síntomas del agotamiento y el trauma secundario y discutiremos el estrés y la teoría polivagal.Understanding the importance of human connections, social engagement, and feelings of safety is at the heart of relationship-based child care work. This tip sheet we will highlight the symptoms of burnout and secondary trauma and discuss stress and the Polyvagal Theory. Tipsheet
Estrategias de autocuidado para proveedores de cuidado infantil: Parte 2 (Self-Care Strategies for Child Care Providers: Part 2) En la segunda parte de esta serie, analizamos formas de aumentar el autocuidado cultivando la conciencia, desarrollando estrategias para controlar el estrés, la importancia del compromiso social y los beneficios del autocuidado y el manejo del estrés.In part two of two of this series, we look at ways to increase self-care by cultivating awareness, developing strategies to manage stress, the importance of social engagement, and the benefits of self-care and stress management. Tipsheet
Estrategias de intervención sensorial y adaptaciones ambientales (Sensory Intervention Strategies and Environmental Adaptations) Los niños con trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD) pueden ser hipersensibles o poco sensibles (o una combinación de ambos) a los estímulos. Aprenda a crear un entorno predecible y estructurado en su entorno de cuidado infantil, que puede mejorar el desempeño de un niño con SPD. Tipsheet
Estrategias para prevenir comportamientos desafiantes (Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behaviors) Las siguientes estrategias pueden ayudar a prevenir comportamientos desafiantes, así como apoyar positivamente a todos los niños en su programa, ya sea que utilicen o no comportamientos desafiantes de manera constante. The following strategies can help prevent challenging behaviors as well as positively support all children in your program, whether or not they consistently use challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Evaluating, Developing, and Enhancing Domain-Specific Measures of Child Care Quality Measures of quality are now in widespread use across states as part of quality improvement initiatives. For example, many states are currently using global measures of quality that were first developed for research and practice purposes (such as the Environmental Rating Scales) in their Quality Rating Systems (QRSs). Document
Every Child Can Fly Please Join Priscilla Weigel as she talks with Jani Kozlowski, Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Jani shares her story and what led her to write her book, Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion. Additional Resources Related to this podcast:Jani’s website: www.everychildcanfly.com  Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion https://www.gryphonhouse.com/books/details/every-child-can-fly-an-early-childhood-educators-guide-to-inclusion  Research and Studies on Inclusionhttps://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/research.asp Indicators of High-Quality Inclusionhttps://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/indicators.aspNew book coming out on June 1st: Empowering Your Child to Fly: A Family's Guide to Early Childhood Inclusionhttps://shop.gryphonhouse.com/products/empowering-your-child-to-fly-a-familys-guide-to-early-childhood-inclusion?variant=48539511357732  Podcast
Everyone's Welcome Watch this delightful video and use it to discuss how to make everyone welcome in your work with children and families. Website
Everything You Wanted to Know About STEM Activities for Toddlers Children naturally are inclined to STEM activities as they are naturally curious….especially toddlers!  Have you seen a toddler conduct their own science experiment? Here is a great resource from Preschool STEAM. Website
Evidence-based Practice Briefs Many interventions exist for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet, scientific research has found only some of these interventions to be effective. The interventions that researchers have shown to be effective are called evidence-based practices (EBPs). One reason for using EBPs is because, by law, teaching practices must be based on evidence of effectiveness. Each brief in this list provides an overview and general description, step-by-step instructions of implementation, an implementation checklist, and the evidence-base which includes the list of references that demonstrate the practice meets the NPDC's criteria. Website
Exceptional Parent Magazine Exceptional Parent Magazine provides articles, resources and inspiring stories for the special needs community. It is a print and digital publication with information to help individuals with disabilities of all ages (from infancy to elderly), the families, as well as, the educational and healthcare professionals that work with them. Anyone interested can subscribe to EP for Free at www.epmagazine.com and receive the digital magazine version as well as the monthly newsletter for free. Website