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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Creating an Inclusive Child Care Environment We must treat all children equally, talk positively about all children, and help them develop non-biased feelings. The most effective way to help children accept a child with a disability is to create a positive atmosphere of acceptance of all children. This Tip Sheet offers strategies to help. Tipsheet
Creating Positive Experiences for Your Infant By:Robert Sege, MD, PhD, FAAPThe first year of life is filled with major growth and development. It is easy to see how the baby in your arms becomes the babbling baby pulling up, giggling, laughing and trying to walk and talk! Infants also develop emotionally as they begin to learn about the world of people. Website
Creating Safe Play Areas Keeping children safe while they are playing in their early childhood setting is key to quality care.  Listen as we welcome Sarah Hawley, Child Care Health Consultant and Public Health Nurse.  She gives essential tips to consider when you are preparing and maintaining your play spaces and shares strategies to lessen injuries, keep children and staff safe, and provide positive outdoor or indoor large muscle play. Podcast
Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Families in Early Childhood Settings This article offers practical strategies for supporting young children whose family members are LGBT.   Document
Creative Ways to Stay Active Through Play From The Children's Movement of Florida: "How do you get your child moving without them realizing that they are actually exercising?  Pretend play is the key.  Children can pretend to move as superheroes, animals, their favorite characters from TV or movies, or different types of vehicles. Supplementing their movements with sound effects and songs are great ways to rev up their imaginations. Here are some creative and playful ways to get kids moving. The only thing needed is the child’s imagination to guide them – No equipment needed." Website
Creativity--Looking for Children’s Cues In this podcast, Priscilla Weigel and Cindy Croft will discuss children who can present challenges to us by their engagement. Some children are eager to participate in activities and others may need social prompting and encouragement in order to join in the fun. Children show creativity in many ways that can differ from our ideas; we need to read their cues to see when they need some help and when we need to follow their lead! Podcast
Cuando Surgen Preocupaciones--Contestando las preguntas mas frecuentes que tienen los proveedores de cuidado cuando tienen una preocupación sobre el desarrollo de los niños (When Concerns Arise--Frequently Asked Questions) Escuche a nuestra anfitriona, Marisol Chiclana mientras ella comparte contestaciones a las preguntas sobre tres (3) de las preguntas mas frecuentes que tienen los proveedores de cuidado cuando tienen una preocupación sobre el desarrollo de los niños. Marisol compartirá con usted consejos sobre la importancia de una conversación clara y positiva con las familias e ideas para estar preparados con documentación y recursos. Podcast
Cuatro Principios Claves de Desarrollo Apropiado de Cuidados Inclusivo Para Todos los Niños Pequeños (Four Key Principles of Developmentally Appropriate Inclusive Care) Esta hoja de consejos cubre los cuatro principios clave del desarrollo del cuidado infantil inclusivo para niños pequeños. The four key principles necessary to provide developmentally appropriate care for all children. Tipsheet
Culturally Sensitive Care: Six Essential Program Practices High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting these goals is the use of culturally sensitive care (PITC, n.d.). Document
Curriculum from the Perspective of Infants and Toddlers: Part One In Part 1 of this three part series of podcasts on infant and toddler curriculum, Cindy Croft, Priscilla Weigel and Beth Menninga discuss unique aspects of infant and toddler learning. Podcast