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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Infant Toddler Language Development: Part One [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 1] Qeybtaan koowaad waxay ka hadlaysaa sida ay faaiido ugu tahay in ubadka dhashay iyo kuwa socodbaradka ah lagadhiso luuqadaha. Podcast
Infant Toddler Language Development: Part Two [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 2] Qeybtaan labaad waxay sharaxaysaa xeelado muhiim ah oo lagu dhaqmi karo oo sahlaya caruurta dhashay iyo kuw socodbaradka ah in luuqadaha iyo hadalka lagadhiso. Podcast
Infant Toddler Temperament Tool (IT3) The Infant Toddler Temperament Tool (IT3) was developed for the Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, an Innovation and Support Project funded by the Office of Head Start. The Infant Toddler Temperament Tool includes a short online survey that allows parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers to recognize and explore their own temperament traits and those of a child for which they provide care. The IT3 generates results which support parents and caregivers in understanding how adult and child similarities and differences in temperament traits may affect “goodness of fit.” Along with these results, the IT3 generates simple best practice tips adults can use to foster the unique temperament of each child within their care. Website
Infant Training Modules These modules from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning focus on promoting the social and emotional competence of very young children. Topics include understanding social-emotional development and behavior, building and sustaining relationships, and supporting social-emotional development. Materials include PowerPoints, handouts, video clips, and a trainer's guide. Document
Infant-Toddler Child Care Challenges Undermine Minnesota’s Strength "Working parents around the state of Minnesota, especially those with infants or toddlers, know how difficult it can be to find high-quality, affordable child care. This problem impacts not only families, but also our state’s well-being, as high-quality child care can strengthen the current and future workforce, contribute to a strong economy and public safety, and enhance national security." Here is a brief from the Council for a Strong America that highlights the crisis. Document
Infant/Toddler Materials Guide The choices for designing a quality childcare program for young children can be overwhelming for a childcare professional, especially when working with a limited budget. This guide has been created to help you to design a high-quality environment for young infants (under 9 months), mobile infants (6-18 months), and older infants (16-36 months), while making the best choices for your budget. Purchasing the correct materials is not sufficient; supervision and interaction with interested adults is necessary for children to make full use of them. Through intentional teaching, materials can be used for both child-guided experiences and adult-guided experiences. Materials need to be: interesting to children, sturdy, age appropriate, offer variety and choice, and be arranged in such a way as to encourage independence and creativity Document
Infant/Toddler Positive Behavior Support These Teacher Time videos from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center focus on supporting Positive Behavior Support with infants, toddlers, and their families. Website
Infant/Toddler Workforce Wellness: Focusing on Wellness is Critical for Early Childhood Professionals "People who take care of others often put their own needs last. Does that sound familiar? Caring for yourself is important for your health and wellness, and it is directly related to your ability to care for others and succeed at work. Here, you will find an array of approaches to reducing stress and promoting wellness. Whether you prefer worksheets, articles, slides, activities, exercises, videos, reflective questions, or graphics, there is a tool for you."  Check out these resources on "Prioritizing Staff and Individual Wellness" from The Child Care Technical Assistance Network. Website
Infants & Toddlers: Let's Go Outside! Fresh-air activities from Scholastic bring rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes, and new windows on the world. Website
Infants and Language Development Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel continue their conversation with CICC’s Beth Menninga. The focus of this podcast is on language development in our youngest learners. Beth shares about essential ways we all can support a healthy foundation of communication by cueing in to the very simplest interactions and body language of infants. Joint Attention, parallel talk and self-talk are discussed. Podcast