
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 95 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Inclusion Part 1- The Foundation of Our Practice | Priscilla Weigel and CICC Inclusion Coach Kris Hellwig discuss ways that you can build an inclusive foundation in your child care setting. Kris shares her perspective as a seasoned coach and as a parent of a child with special needs, allowing the listener insight into both sides of this important relationship of care. The two expand on the importance of acknowledging differences and discuss ways you can do that through modeling and reassurance. | Podcast |
Inclusion Part 2- Promoting a Sense of Belonging | What do you need to have in place to welcome and provide nurturing care to all children? Priscilla Weigel and CICC coach Kris Hellwig walk through some of the essential components that create success for all children, regardless of their needs. They discuss ways to set up your environment, teach tools and activities, and answer questions honestly and clearly. | Podcast |
Inclusion Press | The Inclusion Press wbsite is an interface for a small, independent press that produces user-friendly books and videos about Inclusion in the community, at school, and at work. This site has online ordering, a newsletter about inclusion, links to MAPs articles and info about PATH and workshop and training session dates and locations. | Website |
Inclusion--The Foundation of Our Practice: Part One [Kamidnoqoshada: Waa aasaaska shaqadeena (Qaybta koowaad)] | Waxaan si gaar ah ogabeeraan dagaynaa macluumaad ay soo saareen DEC iyo NAEYC oo ah ururo lashaqeeya caruurta. Macluumaadkaasoo ah bayaankooda wadajirka iyo sida macluumaadkaas nooga caawinayo kobcinta kamidnoqoshoda goobta xanaanada iyo waxbarashada. Sidoo kale, muhiimadda ay leedahay tageerada, kaqaybqaadashada iyo helitaanka fursadaha macluumaadkaan ayaa aas’aas u’ah baahida caruurta iyo shaqaalaha una ah xumin culus in lagu guulaysto kamidnoqoshada goobta wax barashada ubadka yar yar. | Podcast |
Inclusion: Developmentally Appropriate Care for All Young Children | This tip sheet covers the importance of creating inclusive and developmentally appropriate early child care programs through creating access, participation, and supports for young children with special needs. | Tipsheet |
INCLUSION: Developmentally Appropriate Care for All Young Children | ** NEW SELF-STUDY **Examine key concepts of developmentally appropriate inclusive care, including the important role of the caregiver in creating an encouraging environment. Explore skills in observation, ways to foster positive social interaction, and strategies to promote productive play within child care settings. This is an online self-study course.Knowledge and Competency Framework Area - IV.A: Observing, Recording and Assessing Development (10 Hours) CDA Content Area - VII: Observing and recording children’s behavior (10 Hours)Level 2 - ImplementsNew Navigation Tools:This self-study does not have audio available at this time.For optimal performance, please access this course from a computer or tablet.Click on the black box with 2 white arrows to view the self-study in Full-Screen Mode.Click on the black box with white eyeglasses to view the self-study in Accessibility Mode.For ten clock hours on your Learning Record, please register and pay online at Develop. Then, complete a 500 word reflection paper and submit this document with your reflection. Please note: You have access to this document as view only. To enable editing, download the document. Click "file" then "download as" in the upper left-hand corner of this screen. This will give you the option to open the document as a Word doc on your own computer. Then, you can complete the information and email it to: *Disregard any directions regarding a final quiz. The only learning assessment needed is the reflection paper. | Course |
Inclusion: Six Essential Program Practices | High-quality relationship-based care is central to children’s early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning (Center on the Developing Child, 2012). One of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) six essential program practices for promoting this type of care is inclusion of infants and toddlers with special needs (PITC, n.d., a). | Document |
Inclusión: Cuidado apropiado para el desarrollo de todos los niños (Inclusion-Developmentally Appropriate Care for All Young Children) | Esta hoja de consejos cubre la importancia de crear programas de cuidado infantil temprano inclusivos y apropiados para el desarrollo mediante la creación de acceso, participación y apoyo para niños pequeños con necesidades especiales. This tip sheet covers the importance of creating inclusive and developmentally appropriate early child care programs through creating access, participation, and supports for young children with special needs. | Tipsheet |
Inclusive Schools: Good for Kids, Families & Community | The Inclusive Schools website highlights the progress of our nation's schools in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, while offering educators, students, and parents an opportunity to discuss what else needs to be done to ensure that their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. There is a downloadable Celebration Kit for the National Inclusive Schools Week. There is an online forum as well as several good articles on the positive affects of inclusion. | Website |
Indiana Resource Center for Autism | Realizing the increasing incidence of autism spectrum disorders, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism staff are actively engaged in work that leads to improved outcomes for individuals on the spectrum and their families. Specifically, our work is focused on goals around early detection and diagnosis, effective early childhood and school-age programs that utilize evidence-based practices, transition across grade levels and across stages of life, post-secondary opportunities, community employment and living options, family support, and other activities that lead to an improved quality of life. | Website |
Results: Page 95 of 212