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Resource Name Description Resource Type
How to Identify and Support Children Experiencing Stress This January 2017 resource highlights ways in which infants and toddlers may show caregivers that they are experiencing stress. The publication also offers effective strategies to reduce children?s stress levels. Document
How to Identify Stress in a Child Stress can be just has a harmful for children as adults. Since preschoolers don't articulate their emotions well, spotting anxiety in kids and how stress appears is the first step to supporting them. Website
How to Implement Trauma-informed Care to Build Resilience to Childhood Trauma This research brief from Child Trends summarizes current practices for implementing trauma-informed care to support children who have been exposed to trauma. The authors outline the ways in which a broad range of programs (including after school programs, schools, early care and education providers, medical providers, and social services) can incorporate trauma-informed care into their services and help children build resilience against past and future traumatic experiences. Website
How to Plan for Emergencies and Disasters Planning for something you hope will never happen can be overwhelming or frightening. However, being prepared for emergencies and disasters is one of the many ways you take care of children and families in your child care program. This Step-by-Step Guide will help you take actions to: ¦ Reduce injury, loss, and destruction in the event of an emergency or disaster; ¦ Keep children and staff healthy and safe until they can be reunited with their families; ¦ Provide child care services as soon as possible following an emergency or disaster; ¦ Support the recovery process for children, families, and staff. Document
How to Protect Your Children During a Measles Outbreak The recent measles outbreaks have many parents concerned. Most of the people who have gotten sick were not vaccinated against measles. This is a stark reminder from of the importance of making sure your children are fully vaccinated. Website
How to Protect Your Children During a Measles Outbreak - Spanish The recent measles outbreaks have many parents concerned. Most of the people who have gotten sick were not vaccinated against measles. This is a stark reminder from of the importance of making sure your children are fully vaccinated.
How to Raise Concerns about a Child's Speech and Language Development: Do's and Don'ts While raising any concern to family members about their child is difficult, it is in a child's best interest to have any speech and/or language issues identified and treated as early as possible. This article outlines some do's and don'ts for talking respectfully and productively about a potential communication delay. (NOTE: A dialog box may pop up and ask for your username and password. Close the box by clicking on the ?X? in the top right corner and you should be connected to the article). Document
How to Support Young Learners in Racially Diverse Classrooms In this Edutopia article, author Amanda Armstrong, explains that "teachers may be hesitant to discuss race with young kids" and describes how "research-backed, age-appropriate strategies can help." Website
How to Take the Stress Out of the Holidays From the Child Mind Institute, "We are reminded, every year at this time, how difficult holidays can be for people who are lonely or alone. But let’s be honest: even for families rich in children, holidays can be stressful—both for parents and kids."  Website
How to Talk about Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Zero to Three, developed an infographic on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH), that can help professionals talk about social and emotional development. Document