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Results: Page 86 of 212
Resource NameHigh Quality Child Care Promotes Healthy Development, School Readiness, and School Success
DescriptionDecades of research has documented what is referred to as the “summer slide" – the impact of summer vacation’s learning... +
Resource TypeDocument(link is external)
Resource NameHigh-Quality Infant/Toddler Educators Need Good Training
DescriptionThis white paper examines the learning and social-emotional needs of infants and toddlers and the training requirements and needs of... +
Resource TypeDocument(link is external)
Resource NameHistiocytosis Association of America
DescriptionThe Histiocytosis Association of America provides funding for research, provides mutual support, and educates physicians and the public with issues... +
Resource TypeWebsite(link is external)
Resource NameHistorical Trauma and Cultural Healing
DescriptionThe recent event of George Floyd’s murder happened within a context of historical trauma experienced by African Americans throughout U.S.... +
Resource TypeWebsite(link is external)
Resource NameHmong Early Childhood Coalition
DescriptionMloog peb ob tus qhua tshwj xeeb Nis Xyooj thiab Zaag Vaaj-Lis, sawv cev ntawm Hmong Early Childhood Coalition, piav... +
Resource Type Podcast
Resource NameHmong Early Childhood Summit
DescriptionBao Vang and Dao Xiong of the Hmong Early Childhood Coalition join Inclusion Matters to share information about the upcoming... +
Resource Type Podcast
Resource NameHold those babies: Study shows early touch has lasting effects on babies
DescriptionForget what Grandma or out-of-date baby books might have once preached: Hold those snuggly newborns as much as you can.... +
Resource TypeWebsite(link is external)
Resource NameHolding Infants -- or Not -- Can Leave Traces on Their Genes
DescriptionThe amount of physical contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level. This is the... +
Resource TypeDocument(link is external)
Resource NameHolidays and Anti-bias Education
DescriptionThis article was written by Julie Bisson and Louise Derman-Sparks and was featured in the September/October 2016 Child Care Exchange... +
Resource TypeDocument(link is external)
Resource NameHolidays in a Diverse World: Applying Anti-Bias Thinking to Curriculum
Description"Acknowledging or celebrating holidays in early learning programs can bring pleasure to many families, staff, and children and can be... +
Resource TypeDocument(link is external)
Resource Name Description Resource Type
High Quality Child Care Promotes Healthy Development, School Readiness, and School Success Decades of research has documented what is referred to as the “summer slide" – the impact of summer vacation’s learning... + Document(link is external)
High-Quality Infant/Toddler Educators Need Good Training This white paper examines the learning and social-emotional needs of infants and toddlers and the training requirements and needs of... + Document(link is external)
Histiocytosis Association of America The Histiocytosis Association of America provides funding for research, provides mutual support, and educates physicians and the public with issues... + Website(link is external)
Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing The recent event of George Floyd’s murder happened within a context of historical trauma experienced by African Americans throughout U.S.... + Website(link is external)
Hmong Early Childhood Coalition Mloog peb ob tus qhua tshwj xeeb Nis Xyooj thiab Zaag Vaaj-Lis, sawv cev ntawm Hmong Early Childhood Coalition, piav... + Podcast
Hmong Early Childhood Summit Bao Vang and Dao Xiong of the Hmong Early Childhood Coalition join Inclusion Matters to share information about the upcoming... + Podcast
Hold those babies: Study shows early touch has lasting effects on babies Forget what Grandma or out-of-date baby books might have once preached: Hold those snuggly newborns as much as you can.... + Website(link is external)
Holding Infants -- or Not -- Can Leave Traces on Their Genes The amount of physical contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level. This is the... + Document(link is external)
Holidays and Anti-bias Education This article was written by Julie Bisson and Louise Derman-Sparks and was featured in the September/October 2016 Child Care Exchange... + Document(link is external)
Holidays in a Diverse World: Applying Anti-Bias Thinking to Curriculum "Acknowledging or celebrating holidays in early learning programs can bring pleasure to many families, staff, and children and can be... + Document(link is external)