
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 9 of 213
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Abbott Northwestern Hospital | The Abbott Northwestern Hospital website is home base for the Twin Cities' largest healthcare facility. This site has a comprehensive list of programs and services, FAQ's, specialized patient and visitor info, and contact information for the Neuroscience institute, reproductive medicine, rehab info, behavioral health, individual disease centers, an intrastate search engine and much more. On this site you will find medical information, behavioral health information, outpatient services, and classes offered through Abbott Northwestern hospital. It is extremely comprehensive with regard to all facilities and services offered through Allina Healthcare services. | Website |
ABCteach | abctools® abcteach designs tools to help teachers create the documents they need for their classrooms when they can't find exactly what they are looking for elsewhere. We currently have tools for creating ABC Sorts, handwriting worksheets, crossword puzzles, shapebooks, spelling lists, circle and spell lists, word walls, word unscrambles, word searches, math worksheets, word shapes, and sudoku. Popular tools include Month to Month, Holidays, Handwriting, Teaching Extras, Center Signs, Math, Labels, Theme Signs, Portfolios. There are many resources that can be downloaded at no cost. | Website |
Abilities Network | Maryland services and support for persons with disabilities and inclusion. Training, consultation and respite care services all available. | Website |
Ability Online Support Network | Ability online is an electronic email system that connects young people with disabilities or chronic illness with peers (disabled and non disabled) and mentors. It is also a valuable resource for families and friends to know more about an illness and help manage it. | Website |
ABLENET, Inc. | AbleNet is a world leader in assistive technology, curriculum, and services to help individuals with disabilities lead productive and fulfilling lives. AbleNet develops and manufactures technology products and curriculum solutions that are designed specifically for individuals with disabilities. | Website |
About Autism in Toddlers | About Autism in Toddlers is a great tool for families and professionals interested in learning how to recognize the early signs of autism spectrum disorder in very young children. It includes videos on the core features of autism and information on the importance of early identification. This is the first in a series of free online resources being developed by the Autism Institute at Florida State University College of Medicine. | Website |
About Our Kids | The NYU Child Study Center offers science-based, research-driven psychiatric care to children and adolescents with learning, behavior, and emotional disorders. Our research initiatives advance our understanding of the causes and treatments of child mental disorders, and these findings are then integrated into our clinical care to provide state-of-the-art service. Outreach programs translate scientific research into everyday skills for parents and educators and into practical applications for pediatricians and mental health professionals around the country. Advanced training efforts prepare the next generation of mental health professionals to meet the demands of a complex and expanding field and help ensure that tomorrow's children will continue to benefit from the translation of research into advanced clinical care and effective treatments. The New York University Child Study Center is dedicated to increasing the awareness of child mental health issues and improving the treatment of child psychiatric illnesses through scientific practice, research, and education. | Website |
Abuuritaanka Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican (Creating a Rich Play Environment) | Mid ka mid ah doorka daryeel-yaqaan hore iyo aqoon-yahan waxbarasheed ayaa ah ka naqshadeeyaha deegaanka ay carruurtu ku ciyaaraan kuna bartaan Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa istaraatiijiyado iyo fikrado ku saabsan abuurista jawi ciyaaro hodan ku ah carruurta yaryar. | Tipsheet |
ABUURITAANKA JAWI CIYAARTA KU FIICAN (CREATING A RICH PLAY ENVIRONMENT) | Podcastigan wuxuu ku bilaaban in ciyaartu tahay ‘shaqadii caruurta’. Ilmaha oo loo diyaariyo meel amaan ah, nugul, oo daryeel fiican leh waa siyaabo loogu diyaarin kara ilmaha Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican --Maxaa yeelay ciyaartu aad bay mihiim ugu tahay dhan walba oo nolosha ilmaha maadaama ciyaartu ilmuhu ku koraan, waxna ku bartaan. In this podcast, we begin presenting play as ‘children’s work’. In those lenses, creating safe, responsive, and nurturing environments are important parts of supporting the learning and development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Strategies for creating play rich environment are offered in the podcast. | Podcast |
Access to Pre-K Education Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act | This policy brief is an overview of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and discusses policies that can help to increase the number of homeless children in pre-k programs. | Document |
Results: Page 9 of 213