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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Guidance on Completing a Written Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening, severe allergic reaction. The immediate assessment of patients having an allergic reaction and prompt administration of epinephrine, if criteria for anaphylaxis are met, promote optimal outcomes. National and international guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis, including those for management of allergic reactions at school, as well as several clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend the provision of written emergency action plans to those at risk of anaphylaxis, in addition to the prescription of epinephrine autoinjectors. Website
Guide to Creating Inclusive Child Care Spaces From the Minnesota Department of Human Services, this guide includes easy steps and resources child care providers and early educators can take to make their spaces more inclusive to children with disabilities. Creating Inclusive Child Care Spaces is a guide to help providers think more inclusively about children with disabilities, and provides easy-to-access steps and free resources to improve care for children with disabilities. Creating inclusive spaces is especially important for children with disabilities, whose families often struggle to find care that meets their needs. As an educator, you can positively impact these families and grow your business by providing quality child care. Learn more by reading the guide. Document
Guidebook for Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years This is a facilitator and viewer guidebook for Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years. This is a film created by Debbie LeeKeenan • John Nimmo • Filiz Efe McKinney Document
Guidelines for Use of Deep Pressure and Weighted Items in Early Childhood Programs Deep touch pressure is a form of tactile sensory input which has a relaxing, calming and organizing effect on the nervous system. It can be provided through firm holding, hugging, squeezing and the use of weighted items. Deep touch pressure can be beneficial to individuals with high levels of anxiety or with heightened arousal levels. Tipsheet
Guidelines for Use of Deep Pressure and Weighted Items in Early Childhood Programs This info module gives an overview of deep touch pressure and the use of weighted item.  Deep touch pressure is a form of tactile sensory input which has a relaxing, calming and organizing effect on the nervous system. It can be provided through firm holding, hugging, squeezing and the use of weighted items. Deep touch pressure can be beneficial to individuals with high levels of anxiety or with heightened arousal levels. Info Module
Guiding Behavior Through Environment Careful consideration of the environment can create a framework for success. This tip sheet offers strategies for caregivers to avoid or reduce the number of behavior challenges. Tipsheet
Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation International The Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS) Foundation International website has information and research links about GBS and provides services to people who are affected by it. There are discussion groups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and opportunities to start your own support group or become part of an existing one. Research funding is available, patient packets are distributed by the foundation, as well as a comprehensive booklet about GBS, and a handbook for caregivers. Website
H is for Hope For both kids and grown-ups, hope can be a powerful force in healing from trauma.  Document
Habilidades de Comunicación para Bebés y Niños Pequeños: La Construcción de Relaciones (Infant and Toddler Communication Skills: Building Relationships) Esta hoja de consejos explora la importancia de las relaciones para apoyar el desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación en bebés y niños pequeños. This tip sheet explores the importance of relationships in supporting infant and toddler development of communication skills. Tipsheet
Handling Emergencies "Whether you’re preparing for the unexpected or recovering from it, your reassurance and comfort hold great power to soothe children even on the scariest, toughest days." Here is an informative resource from Sesame Street in Communities. Website