
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 73 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Finding Child Care When My Child Is Sick | This resource was developed by Child Care Aware of America:If you have a child who is in child care or school, there may be times when they are not able to attend due to mild illness. You may find yourself in need of back-up care with short notice. Thinking about sick child care options ahead of time can help you avoid scrambling to locate care at the last minute. | Document |
Finding Our Calm Supporting One Another During Staffing Shortages | Join us as we welcome Jacy Nylander, CICC Coaching Lead, as we discuss the current state of the field of early childhood. As our field experiences the combination of the pandemic and ongoing social inequities it has led to a staffing shortage and in turn, affected how professionals, families, and children are existing in the community together. We’ll focus on 3 areas that have been greatly impacted, our sense of safety, connection, and self-efficacy. | Podcast |
Fire Safety in Child Care: Special Considerations for Children with Disabilities | Fire safety in child care programs involves awareness, education, practice, and making accommodations. Knowledge of each child’s individual needs is essential to ensuring their safety in the event of a fire evacuation. With a few adaptions in place, intentional fire safety is the most effective way to reduce risks of fire for individuals with disabilities. | Tipsheet |
First Children’s Finance-Español | Únase a la Miembro de la Junta de CICC, Karina Elze, mientras conversa con Marilu Plamann, Especialista en Desarrollo Empresarial - Bilingüe (Español) de First Children’s Finance. Marilu destaca los maravillosos recursos que First Children’s Finance ofrece a los negocios de cuidado infantil para apoyarlos, mantenerlos y guiarlos en el camino hacia el éxito empresarial.Join CICC Board Member Karina Elze as she talks with Marilu Plamann, Business Development Specialist-Bilingual (Spanish) from First Children’s Finance. Marilu highlights the wonderful resources that First Children’s Finance offers to child care businesses to support and sustain them and lead them on the path to business success. | Podcast |
First Signs | Firstsigns is dedicated to early identification and intervention of developmental delays and disorders. This website provides screening information and tools. | Website |
First Steps: Pathway To Playing, Learning and Growing | The Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services has created this helpful infographic. "Although every child is unique and will learn and grow at their own pace, children are expected to develop in similar ways. By keeping track of developmental milestones, you will be able to support your child as they grow and identify right away if they may need extra help to learn. Don’t wait, early intervention programs can make a big dfference! You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Here are tips, tools and guidance to help support your child’s development. Look for these important developmental milestones." | Document |
First Things First: Parent Kit | From the day a child is born, the care, attention, love and support they experience lays the foundation for their future. This digital Parent Kit is here to help you meet the challenges of being a parent and do your best in supporting the healthy development of your baby, toddler or preschooler. You'll find information and resources on child development, health and safety, quality child care and school readiness. | Website |
First Words Project | FIRST WORDS Project website is a model early identification and intervention program based in the Department of Communication Disorders at Florida State University. This project uses the evaluation tool developed by Wetherby and Prizant (2001), the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales- Developmental Profile (CSBS-DP). The purpose of the CSBS-DP is twofold: first, for early identification of children who have or are at-risk for developing a communication impairment; and second, to monitor changes in a child's communication, expressive speech, and symbolic behavior over time. This site contains recent convention handouts from this project, the infant/toddler checklist with scoring instructions and cutoffs. This site also includes a links area. | Website |
Five Essentials to Meaningful Play | Play is how children learn and develop. This article discusses five essential for meaningful play that will create meaningful memories for children. | Website |
Five Ways to Cultivate Friendships | Supporting development of friendships. | Document |
Results: Page 73 of 212