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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Family-Caregiver Partnerships: Building Strong Connections with Families of Children with Disabilities When building a partnership with families who have children with disabilities, it is important to understand your role as an educator and have and appreciation of the family’s perspective. Tipsheet
FamilyEducation FamilyEducation is your partner in parenting. We aim to make it easier for busy moms and dads like you to raise happy, healthy, engaged children at every age and stage. We strongly believe that children learn through play, and you are your child's first (and forever!) teacher. Our collection of slideshows, printables, crafts, activities, recipes, and videos should make your job as a parent more fun, simple, and enriching than ever. Website
Fargo Moorhead Families for Early Autism Treatment Fargo Moorhead Families for Early Autism Treatment (FMFEAT) is a group of parents of children with autism. They follow the model of Intensive Behavior Intervention and the Families for Early Autism Treatment. The website provides information and support for families in the Fargo Moorhead Area including advocacy, reference books, and screening tools. Website
Farm to Early Care Resource List A list of favorite Farm to Table resources from Renewing the Countryside Document
Farm to Early Childhood Programs: A Step-By-Step Guide Farm to Early Childhood Programs have evolved from the strong national Farm to School movement as a way of providing fresh, local foods in meal programs that serve the youngest children. Farm to Early Childcare and Farm to Preschool programs focus on purchasing and using fresh, local foods at program sites to promote the development of healthy eating patterns in children from birth to age six. These programs also involve children’s gardens, educational activities related to local food and agriculture, and opportunities for building community partnerships. Document
Farm to Preschool ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School Program started working with preschool age children in 2007 in Henderson County through a partnership with Western Carolina Community Action. Through this work and our work with other childcare facilities, a number of farm to school resources were developed that target this specific age group.  Website
Farm to Preschool: Local Food and Learning in Early Child Care and Education Settings This fact sheet discusses how farm to school isn’t just for K-12 institutions; an increasing number of early child care and education providers are engaging in farm to preschool activities. The term “farm to preschool” encompasses efforts to serve local or regionally produced foods in early child care and education settings; provide hands-on learning activities such as gardening, farm visits, and culinary activities; and integrate food-related education into the curriculum. Document
Fascets : Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consultation, Education and Training FASCETS; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consultation, Education and Training Services, Inc. services are designed to increase understanding, build on strengths, expand options for developing effective parenting and professional techniques, enhance existing programs and support development of new programs that work with children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Goals include reducing frustration, increasing effectiveness, improving outcomes, and preventing burnout in parents, professionals and people with FAS/ARND of all ages. The long term goal of this work is to contribute to the prevention of FAS/ARND. The website provides workshop information, helpful links, reference tools, and useful personal stories. Website
Fatherhood Connection Resource Flash Welcome to the Fatherhood Connection, a resource flash, from the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE). This quarterly flash will provide early childhood staff with information that can be quickly applied to enhance father engagement in early childhood settings. Website
Fear and Anxiety: An Age by Age Guide to Common Fears, The Reasons for Each, and How to Manage Them This helpful resource breaks down childhood fears by ages and then explains them. Website