
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 65 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Encouragement and Effective Praise: Part Two | Encouragement and Effective Praise (Part 2): Priscilla and Cindy take the message of Part 1 on why we praise children and broaden the discussion with specific examples of effective encouragement. How do we respond to children in ways that help them feel successful and competent? Why is this important to their social emotional development? Tune in to hear more. | Podcast |
Encouraging Healthy Foods and Eating Habits | Inclusion Matters welcomes back our friend Sarah Hawley of Minnesota Child Care Health Consultants to talk about helping children develop healthy eating patterns. Sarah shares ways that early childhood educators can set a strong foundation for those in their care by providing opportunities to explore healthy foods and use positive modeling to encourage healthy choices. She also shares wonderful free resources available to help you plan fun activities and share solid information with families. | Podcast |
Encouraging the Development of Self-Regulation Skills | Self-regulation is the ability to regulate with consistency a person’s emotions, reactions, and feelings. Developing self-regulation is a cornerstone of positive mental health and social competency. | Tipsheet |
Engaging Children In Multicultural Music During Early Childhood | “Learning through music is not only educational, but it can be fun as well! Finding ways to integrate a variety of musical forms into a child’s routine can spark curiosity, introduce new ideas, and celebrate diverse cultures.” This article is from Star Bright Books. | Website |
Engaging with Families | This tip sheet was adapted from the NAEYC article, The 5 Rs for Promoting Positive Family Engagement. Learn how following the Five Rs - Respect, Reassurance and Responsiveness, Relationship, Reciprocity, and Reflection will allow family engagement to begin growing as quickly as the children in your classroom. | Tipsheet |
Entendiendo los Costos Para Necesidades Especiales de los Programas de Asistencia Para Centro de Cuidado (Understanding Special Needs Rates of the Child Care Assistance Program) | La Tarifa de Necesidades Especiales del Programa de Asistencia de Cuidado Infantil (CCAP) está disponible para niños con necesidades especiales en Minnesota que reciben CCAP y cumplen con los criterios designados. Esta hoja de consejos proporciona una descripción de la Tasa de Necesidades Especiales del Programa de Asistencia de Cuidado Infantil y el proceso para solicitar. The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Special Needs Rate is available for children with special needs in Minnesota who receive CCAP and meet designated criteria. This tip sheet provides a description of the Child Care Assistance Program's Special Needs Rate and the process to request. | Tipsheet |
Entrenamiento de baño: Aprender a usar el baño (Potty Training: Learning to Use the Toilet) | Consejos, habilidades y estrategias para un entrenamiento exitoso para ir al baño. Tips, skills, and strategies for successful toilet training. | Tipsheet |
Environmental Support | This in-service suite offers strategies for using environmental support. These strategies help to increase the participation of children who need more support or challenge. Explore examples that illustrate what the strategies look like in the classroom. | Website |
Environments, Inc. | Environments, Inc. was created in the late 1960's to outfit early childhood education classrooms with appropriate equipment and materials. Since then, Environments has grown to become a major designer, manufacturer, and distributor of children's furniture, educational equipment, discovery toys, and curriculum materials for early education and child care. | Website |
Epilepsy - Get Seizure Smart! | "About 1 in 10 people may have a seizure in their lifetime.1,2 Would you know how to help someone during or after a seizure?" Learn more from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). | Website |
Results: Page 65 of 212