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Early Numeracy Skills: How to Develop Them Visit the Raising Children Network of Australia website to learn how to help children ages 0-4 develop early numeracy skills. Here are the Key Points:Numeracy is the ability to see and use maths in all areas of life.Children build maths and numeracy skills through play.Everyday activities like counting, looking at shapes, and talking about sizes also help children develop early numeracy and maths skills.You play an important role in helping children develop numeracy skills. Website
Early Risers Podcast: What’s Happening in the Classroom? Early Childhood Educators and Implicit Bias About a quarter of all children in the United States younger than five years old attend some kind of formalized childcare. Early childhood programs can be a great way for children to start learning about the world, including how to build relationships with other children and adults. But part of this learning also involves absorbing the implicit biases in their environment, including unconscious assumptions about race. This is a link to a Early Risers Podcast produced by Little Moments Count. Website
Early Signs of Learning Challenges "It can be hard to tell if a preschool-age child is likely to have a learning disability. When kids are young, they develop skills at different speeds, and kids have different strengths and weaknesses. As they get older their abilities usually even out."  Learn more in this article from the Child Mind Institute. Website
Early Stem Education Research shows that early exposure to STEM has positive impacts across the entire spectrum of learning. For example, early math knowledge not only predicts later math success, it also predicts later reading achievement (National Research Council, 2012). Despite these powerful findings, our schools and early childhood programs often lack knowledge, resources, and capacity to focus on early STEM learning in developmentally appropriate ways. Here are some informative resources from the U.S. Department of Education.
Early Steps Early Steps, within the Division of Children's Medical Services, serves families with infants and toddlers, birth to 36 months of age, who have developmental delays or an established condition likely to result in a developmental delay. Each child receives an Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) that meets his or her needs. Families and caregivers also receive support to develop the skills and confidence they need to help their children learn and develop. Website
Easter Seals Disability Services Expanding and developing new child care centers that provide services to children of all abilities is a challenging proposition. Easter Seals has successfully met that challenge through a national network of Child Development Centers. In our experience, two of the major barriers to the operation of and inclusive model are managing the financial resources available and the development of appropriate facilities. On this website, you can order a "Fiscal and Design Solutions Package" that gives you a financial planning booklet and excel workbook as well as a design guide. With a grant from The Child Care Bureau, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families, Easter Seals has developed two tools to help child care providers address these major barriers to inclusive child care. Website
Easter Seals Project Action Easter Seals Project Action provides training, resources, and technical assistance to thousands of disability organizations, consumers with disabilities, and local transportation operators. It maintains a resource center with the most up-to-date information on transportation accessibility. Training, fact sheets, and state by state information is available on site. Website
Easy, outdoor winter activities for Toddlers "Below you’ll find play and outdoor activity ideas to keep your toddlers outside and having fun this winter." Website
Eating Healthy at Home Child Care Aware of America is engaged in partnerships and initiatives with other organizations focused on children’s health. They are proud to partner with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and showcase some of their recent work.      Together, the Alliance and Kohl’s Corporation developed the Eating Healthy at Home campaign, focused on helping families take small steps to make the healthy choice the easy choice.  Website
Eco-Healthy Child Care Noise Pollution Fact Sheet Eco-Healthy Child Care® helps early childhood learning environments to be as healthy, safe and green as possible by reducing children’s exposure to toxic chemicals. Document