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Dynamic Movement Products, Inc. Our dance, exercise, movement and physical therapy equipment is made from the highest quality stretch band fabrics to promote physical strength and flexibility, body responsiveness, creativity, group cooperation and team building. After playing and moving in our products you will feel more energized, alert yet calm, and deeply satisfied! Website
Early Care and Education Environment Indicators and Elements of High-Quality Inclusion From the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), "The Early Childhood Education Environment (ECEE) Indicators detail the key elements that are necessary for implementing high-quality inclusive practices in early childhood settings. They are designed to assist personnel in providing effective supports and services to young children with disabilities. It is assumed that all federal and state legal requirements are in place. These indicators are not meant to examine federal and state requirements. They are intended to enhance high-quality inclusive practices implemented by early care and education personnel." Website
Early Care and Education Portal - CDC As an early care and education provider (such as a childcare provider, Head Start teacher, early intervention provider, home visitor, or other educator of young children), you are on the frontlines of public health. Thank you for the important work you do each day. You are a valuable partner in promoting and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our nation’s children and families. To help you in your important role, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers many resources—from free training courses to educational materials you can share with families. This online portal is your access point to the latest early childhood resources from the CDC. Website
Early Childcare Provider's Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors Autism Speaks has published this toolkit to assist early childcare providers to improve their management of challenging behaviors in the classroom. Although the focus is on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the intervention strategies and positive behavioral methods described in the toolkit can be used for any child struggling with attention deficits, intellectual disability, anxiety and delayed social skills. Document
Early Childhood Center The Early Childhood Center of Indiana University Bloomington works to enhance the quality of care and education for all young children (birth through five years), including children with disabilities. Center activities encompass research, training, leadership, and collaboration with families, communities, and early care and education services that touch the lives of young children. Research information, resource books, training, and videos are available through this site. Website
Early Childhood Development and Screen Use From the Institute of Digital Media and Child Development:Find out how digital media affects learning, language, and cognitive development in young children in this Children and Screens podcast. The speaker shares historical and recent research that are important for parents, educators, and caregivers. Website
Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning: Transition to Kindergarten Preschool children make the transition into kindergarten more successfully when their schools and families prepare for it together, and when their preschool and kindergarten teachers connect. Also, by coordinating transition efforts, preschool and elementary programs can help children maintain and maximize the gains they made in preschool. Website
Early Childhood Development: Track These Milestones  Here is a "quick and easy overview of development from birth to age five" from Help Me Grow Minnesota.  You can download and share this infographic with parents and providers. Document
Early Childhood Environments: Designing Effective Classrooms This Module, a DEC-recommended resource, offers information on how to set up effective inclusive early childhood classroom environments for young children. It also provides details about the interrelated physical, social, and temporal components of those environments, as well as adaptations to help teachers meet the needs of children with disabilities (est. completion time: 1 hour). Website
Early Childhood Family Toolkit This is a toolkit for creating a culture of achievement at home, beginning prenatally through the transition to kindergarten. This guide was developed by the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) in partnership with Little Moments Count on the belief that parents and caregivers are children’s first and most important teachers. Website