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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Developmental Concerns: When to Refer Children Developmental milestones for children birth to 3 years of age and what to do when there are developmental concerns. Tipsheet
Developmental Delay Every child goes through a process of growth and change. This process of child development involves learning and mastering skills known as developmental milestones. This tip sheet covers the six primary areas in which children develop, and what to do if concerns arise.  Tipsheet
Developmental Delay Resources A nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of those working with children who have developmental delays in sensory motor, language, social, and emotional areas. DDR publicizes research into determining identifiable factors that would put a child at risk and maintains a registry, tracking possible trends. DDR also provides a network for parents and professionals and current information after the diagnosis to support children with special needs. Website
Developmental Foundations of School Readiness for Infants and Toddlers: A Research to Practice Report This February 2016 Research to Practice report summarizes the research on development during the first 3 years of life, highlights areas that are foundational for school readiness and later school success, and discusses how providers can support the development of school readiness in infants and toddlers. It can be used by programs to inform their practices and policies, and to help them think about the outcomes they want to focus on improving most for young children. Document
Developmental Milestones Use these milestones checklists to help family and staff as they track the developmental progress of children ages three months to five years. Website
Developmentally Appropriate Care: Creating Rich Play Opportunities for All Children Tips for enhancing play skills for children with special needs. Tipsheet
Dhaqanka ugu fiican oo kaa taagereya sida lagu hormarinayo xirfadaha xiriirka (Best Practices to Support the Development of Communication Skills) Hadalka iyo luqadda waxaa lagu horumarin karaa iyadoo la adeegsado cilaaqaad macno leh iyo waxqabadyo ilmaha lala yeesho. Kuwa soo socdaa waa tusaalooyin ku saabsan dhaqamada ugu wanaagsan ee taageera horumarinta xirfadaha wada xiriirka marka lala shaqeynayo carruurta yaryar iyo socod baradka. Speech and language can be developed through meaningful relationships and activities with children. The following are examples of best practices that support the development of communication skills when working with young children and toddlers. Tipsheet
Dhisidda Maskaxdu Waxay Bilaabataa Dhalashada Marka ilmuhu dhasho, maskaxda ilmuhu waxay qiyaastii saddex meelood meel le'eg tahay maskaxda qofka weyn. 90 maalmood gudahood, waxay ka badan tahay labanlaab mugga, ilaa 55 boqolkiiba cabbirkeeda kama dambaysta ah. Wax badan ka baro xaqiiqooyin soo jiidasho leh iyo saynis ku saabsan inta yar ee daqiiqadaha maalinlaha ah lagu tiriyo si ay u caawiyaan dhismaha maskaxda ilmaha. Little Moments Count waa dhaqdhaqaaq gobolka oo dhan ah si loogu caawiyo waalidiinta iyo bulshada inay fahmaan muhiimada hadalka, ciyaarta, akhrinta iyo heesaha goor hore iyo inta badan carruurta. Waxaan nahay iskaashi ururo ka shaqeeya si ay u caawiyaan kordhinta isdhexgalka waalidka iyo bulshada ee dhallaanka iyo carruurta.   Website
Disability Etiquette This booklet is for anyone-with or without a disability-who wants to interact more effectively with people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was conceived with the goal of integrating people with disabilities into all aspects of American life, particularly the workplace and the marketplace. Sensitivity toward people with disabilities is not only in the spirit of the ADA, it makes good business sense. It can help you expand your practice, better serve your customers or develop your audience. When supervisors and co-workers use disability etiquette, employees with disabilities feel more comfortable and work more productively. Practicing disability etiquette is an easy way to make people with disabilities feel welcome. You don't have to feel awkward when dealing with a person who has a disability. This booklet provides some basic tips for you to follow. And if you are ever unsure about what to do or say with a person who has a disability, just ask! This is available to download on the United Spinal Association website. Website
Disability Fact Sheets from the Center for Parent Information & Resources Information about specific disabilities from the Center for Parent Information & Resources. Website