
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 51 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Dejemos de gritar en el cuidado infantil (Let's Stop Yelling in Child Care) | Como educador de la primera infancia, ¡usted está en posición de impactar positivamente tanto a los niños como a otros adultos con los que trabaja a través de sus palabras y sus acciones! Esta hoja de consejos ofrece estrategias para prevenir los gritos y fomentar comportamientos positivos. As an early educator, you are in a position to positively impact both children and other adults you work with through your words and your actions! This tip sheet offers strategies to prevent yelling and encourage positive behaviors. | Tipsheet |
Delivering on the Promise of Effective Early Childhood Education for Black Children: Eliminating Exclusionary Discipline and Concentrating on Inclusion | The authors of this new resource, Cemeré James and Iheoma Iruka, have very skillfully woven solid evidence together with specific practices that can be used to prepare early childhood professionals to support the full participation of black children and their families. Recommendations are organized thematically (e.g., culturally-responsive practice, high expectations of children, developmentally appropriate pedagogy with positive guidance) with specific examples provided for implementation at child/family, classroom, program, and system levels. The authors’ interpretation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs vis-à-vis supporting black children and families on page 17 is just one of the thoughtful and thought-provoking features of this document. Thank you to the National Black Child Development Institute for this resource! | Document |
Demonstration of Pyramid Model Practices | Two amazing new training videos have been created to highlight pyramid model practices in action in high fidelity toddler and preschool classrooms. These videos were collaboratively produced by the Montana Head Start Collaborative Office, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Early Childhood Services Bureau, the Pyramid Model Consortium, and the Bal Swan Children's Center. Titles and labels have been added throughout to call attention to the environment, specific routines of the day, and discrete teaching practices that support young children's social emotional development. | Website |
Desarrollo del plan de apoyo de comportamiento positivo (Positive Behavior Support Plan) | Un plan de comportamiento positivo es un plan de acción que describe los pasos específicos que se pueden utilizar para promover el éxito y la participación de un niño en las actividades y lecciones diarias. Esta hoja de consejos cubre un enfoque individual del proceso de planificación. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. | Tipsheet |
Desarrollo infantil: Qué esperar y cuándo preocuparse (Child Development: What to Expect and When to Worry) | Si observa y registra el desarrollo de todos los niños en su programa rutinariamente, a veces puede encontrar que un niño tiene señales de alerta en su progreso de desarrollo y es hora de hablar con sus padres sobre sus preocupaciones. If you routinely observe and record the development of all children in your program, you may sometimes find that a child has red flags in their developmental progress and it is time to talk to their parents about your concerns. | Tipsheet |
Desarrollo infantil: Qué esperar y cuándo preocuparse (Children's Development: What to Expect and When to Be Concerned) | Este curso explica el desarrollo típico del niño, incluyendo qué esperar y cuándo preocuparse.Área del marco de conocimientos y competencias - I: Desarrollo y aprendizaje infantilÁrea de contenido de CDA - VIII: Principios del desarrollo y el aprendizaje infantil Este curso es accesible desde un dispositivo móvil. Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda verlo desde una computadora o tableta.Para diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envíelo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. | Course |
Designing Messy Play for Infants and Toddlers | From the"Messy play builds foundational skills that are crucial for children's later development. It is one of the most important kinds of early learning experiences we can offer to infants and toddlers. Find the most up-to-date information to answer three prompts: “What does research say?”; “What does it look like?”; and “Try this!” There’s also an accompanying resource, Connecting at Home, which includes easy-to-try tips to help families offer messy play experiences at home. There is a downloadable PDF available | Website |
Desired Results Video Library | The Desired Results Access Project promotes positive outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families within California's Early Learning and Development System by creating and supporting a high-quality assessment system. The "Practice Clips" section provides early childhood staff with opportunities to practice a variety of skills, including observation, documentation, and assessment. | Website |
Desired Results Video Library Practice Clips | The Desired Results access Project, funded by California's Department of Education, recently added a new "Practice Clips" section to their Digital Video library. The section includes sixteen new video clips that were produced to provide early childhood staff with opportunities to practice a variety of skills, including observation, documentation and assessment. These clips are available for viewing and may be downloaded at no cost for use in educational and professional development activities. | Website |
Desorden del procesamiento sensorial (Sensory Processing Disorder) | La información errónea causada en el cerebro por un trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD) puede interferir con la sensación de seguridad y protección de un niño. Aprenda sobre los ocho sentidos, las respuestas del sistema sensorial y los comportamientos comunes de los niños con SPD en esta hoja de consejos. | Tipsheet |
Results: Page 51 of 212