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Results: Page 47 of 212
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Council for Exceptional Children The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) website offers extensive information about advocating for appropriate governmental policies, setting professional standards, providing continuing professional development, by advocating for newly and historically undeserved individuals with exceptionalities and helping professionals achieve the conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. Links to ERIC database on related articles and an online magazine available. Website
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Center Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, part of Allina Health, provides a continuum of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and community services. The Institute's goal is to maximize quality of life for people of all ages and all abilities. We help people achieve health and wellness through providing excellent services, innovative programs, ground-breaking research, and barrier-shattering advocacy. Website
Cover Your Cough Resources from the Minnesota Department of Health: "Stop the spread of germs that make you and others sick - Cover Your Cough!" Website
COVID Vaccine Checklist for Kids This checklist was created by and The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Parenting Website and was updated on 12-8-2022. Website
COVID-19: Caring For Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs Here are some ways parents and caregivers can help themselves, their families, and their children with special health care needs meet their safety, growth and health care needs during the COVID-19 outbreak: Website
COVID-19: Hand Washing Video The National Jewish Health Care System wants you to "learn how to get a good scrub down hand washing using the porcupine, peacock, motorcycle rev and backscratch techniques to make sure you are not part of the 95 percent that don’t wash correctly." Website
Cómo prevenir la expulsión en el cuidado infantil (Preventing Expulsion in Child Care) Estrategias para prevenir la suspensión y expulsión de niños con conductas desafiantes. Strategies to prevent suspension and expulsion of children with challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Crafts for Kids: Watercolor Ice Cube Painting "Let’s paint! Did you know that you can use ice cubes to paint? It makes for easy clean up, too. Kids can embrace their artistic side and learn how to make and mix ice with different colors to create their own visual masterpiece." Enjoy this video from the Boston Children's Museum. Website
Creación de un entorno de cuidado infantil inclusivo (Creating an Inclusive Child Care Environment) Debemos tratar a todos los niños por igual, hablar positivamente de todos los niños y ayudarlos a desarrollar sentimientos imparciales. La forma más eficaz de ayudar a los niños a aceptar a un niño con discapacidad es crear una atmósfera positiva de aceptación de todos los niños. Esta hoja de consejos ofrece estrategias para ayudar. We must treat all children equally, talk positively about all children, and help them develop non-biased feelings. The most effective way to help children accept a child with a disability is to create a positive atmosphere of acceptance of all children. This Tip Sheet offers strategies to help. Tipsheet
Creación de un Entorno de Juego Enriquecido (Creating a Rich Play Environment) Uno de los papeles de un profesional del cuidado infantil y la educación temprana es el del arquitecto del entorno en el que los niños juegan y aprenden. Las siguientes son algunas estrategias para crear un entorno enriquecido para el juego. One of the roles of a childcare and early education professional is that of the architect of the environment in which children play and learn. The following are some strategies for creating an enriched play environment. Tipsheet